Dark Matter (2024)

Premiere Date
Series Premiere:

Dark Matter (2024) - Apple TV+

Apple TV+





Science fiction



Professor Jason Dessen is abducted into an alternate version of his life; in a labyrinth of realities, he embarks on a harrowing journey to get back to his true family and save them from a terrifying foe imaginable — himself.

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2024– Series 1 Season9 Episodes

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2024– Series 1 Season9 Episodes

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Matt Roush

Matt Roush says...

The parallel-world sci-fi thriller takes a breath in its third episode, as Jason (Joel Edgerton) is shown the invention that allowed his doppelganger (let’s call him Jason 2) to steal him from his own world and take over his life. Jason 2 has his own challenges when he and wife Daniela (Jennifer Connelly) host a dinner party and he gets a crash course in another person’s life.

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