‘Days of Our Lives’: It’s a Very Merry Horton Christmas (VIDEO)

Days of Our Lives: Susan Seaforth Hayes, Bill Hayes, Suzanne Rogers, Olivia Keegan, Kyler Pettis
NBC Studios
© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com
Episode # 12988
U.S.Airdate 12/22/16
It’s not officially Christmas until Julie Williams gets out those ornaments! TV Insider has an exclusive sneak preview of a longstanding Days of Our Lives tradition—the decorating of the Horton family tree.
The gang’s all here: Doug, Julie, Maggie, Jennifer, and a surprise guest or two. And what’s with yet another shout-out to David Banning? Hmmm… the holiday rice pudding thickens and so does the plot! Merry Christmas, everyone!
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