‘The Price Is Right’: ER Nurse Takes Huge Gamble and Wins Big – See Drew Carey React

Drew Carey and contestant Rachel on Price is Right
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A contestant on last week’s The Price Is Right at Night faced the pressure of the Gas Money game and ended up taking a massive gamble that paid off in $20,000 and a brand new car.

The contestant in question was ER nurse Rachel. As host Drew Carey explained, the trick of the game is, “You cannot pick the car price until the very end or at all, or you win nothing at all.”

Rachel was shown five cards, each with different prices on them, but only one of them was the real price of the Range Rover SUV. The other cards all contained cash values on the reverse; so long as Rachel kept picking those cards, she could accumulate up to $20,000.

“You can accumulate money along the way and stop whenever you want. So, do not pick the car price first,” Carey warned Rachel as she looked to the studio audience for advice.

Rachel on Price is Right

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Her significant other, Eric, was in the audience and helped Rachel with her decision-making, though he started to get cold feet the longer the game went on.


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Rachel first eliminated the $61,580 card, which had $4,000 behind it. After looking over at Eric, she next picked the $65,109 card, adding $8,000 to her running total.

She then selected the $75,339 card, revealing $2,000 on the back. This gave her $14,000 with just two cards remaining, the $68,825 and $72,245 price tags.

Rachel screamed in excitement as she once again looked over at Eric for advice. Eric made the ‘cut-throat gesture,’ seemingly suggesting that she take the $14,000 and end the game. However, Rachel quickly shot that down and told him to help her decide which card to pick.

Eric made a ‘7’ and ‘2’ with his fingers, so Rachel chose the $72,245 card as Carey reminded her she could lose everything if it was wrong. Meanwhile, Eric put his hands together in a prayer stance.

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Thankfully, Rachel was right, as model Devin Goda flipped the $72,245 card over to reveal $6,000 on the reverse. This meant Rachel bagged herself the brand new car worth $68,825 and $20,000 to go with it.

“That’s how you do it,” Carey said as an ecstatic Rachel ran over to the Range Rover, and Eric cheered from the audience.

“Wow!!! She certainly has big brass ones to go all the way!!! So happy for her!!!!” wrote one viewer on Instagram.

“That was awesome hubby was like quit…she was like no which one?” added another.

“Good for her. Love nurses. She deserved it,” said one fan.

Another added, “ER NURSE… PRESSURE… easy peasy… that’s when they r at their best.”

What did you think of Rachel’s big win? Would you have gone all the way? Let us know in the comments section below.

The Price Is Right, Weekdays, CBS