‘BoJack’ Season 2: Hidden Jokes You Missed in Episodes 7-9 (Part 3)
The visual world of BoJack Horseman is perhaps the richest on TV. There are callbacks, set-ups, puns, minutiae that no one in their right mind would have taken the time to think up, much less animate. But that’s part of what makes the wonderfully absurd universe of BoJack such a joy, and we’d be remiss in not pointing out every last clever little thing we could see, both for the benefit of you, the viewer, and to give props to the brains behind the show. Here’s everything we noticed from Episodes 7-9. (Plus: The hidden gems of Episodes 1-3, Episodes 4-6 and Episodes 10-12.)
Episode 7, “Hank After Dark”:
The sea life arrives at the 1994 Animal Choice Awards in a limo-quarium.
Matthew Fox (who is a wolf) and Scott Wolf (who is a fox, voiced by actual Scott Wolf) presenting at the 1994 Animal Choice Awards: “Thank you, Billy Crystal, for that impersonation of a black person.”
Hank Hippopopalous is up for the Male Animal award, and the clip they show is a chimp bringing a human baby, the reverse of various wildlife experts visiting late-night shows.
The after-party takes place at the Chateau Marmoset.
Mr. Peanutbutter’s (now ex-)wife Katrina knows Erica!
The origin of Mr. Peanutbutter’s “What is this, a crossover episode?” “joke” is explained! Hank said it at the Animal Choice Awards’ after-party.
Losers need party banners, too.
The Sebastian St. Clair Foundation for the betterment of peoples in distressed nations needing aid, help, assistance, and…
“Kirk Cameron Show Canceled,” reads Variation magazine cover. Sorry, Wanda.
Sections of the Juneau bookstore include: Oil, Conflict Resolution, Snow, Mushing, Bering Strait, The Wild, Glaciers, Russia, and Palin.
Randy the Graphics Guy wins with this one.
Tallahassee’s bookstore is called “Swamp Reads.”
It really is leg day every day for the ant pushing the giant tennis ball in the background.
Ahem, anti-vaxxers.
The newscrawl writer is having a pretty rough day.
Classic Todd!
See, cops?
One wonders if Sebastian St. Clair was in attendance at this Silly Dance Contest.
Chicken for breakfast is actually pretty good. …Though perhaps not Chicken 4 Dayz chicken.
But who was his bride?!
You go, rats. It’s fun to see Tom Jumbo-Grumbo blow his stack, too.
More Classic Todd!
BoJack’s honeydew/cantaloupe joke is a continuation of his (and Princess Carolyn’s) hatred of honeydew from Season 1, Episode 10.
Character Actress Margo Martindale Update: Seeking parole.
Hammerheads come in handy when there’s carpentry that needs doing.
What’s In at Manatee Fair: Black, Velvet, Whistles, Snakes, Empathy, Cool Hats.
What’s Out at Manatee Fair: White, Gauze, Bells, Leopards, Bullies, Dumb Hats.
The Prince of Cordovia appears to have been employing Rasputin.
Lady Liberty is a cat in the BoJackverse. Manatee Fair, incidentally, is owned by AOL-Time Warner-PepsiCo-Viacom-Halliburton-Skynet-Toyota-Trader Joe’s.
One charming non-fan has addressed his Diane Ngyuen hate-mail to DIE-ann NOOSE-yun.
Would you trust a Black Widow Windows window washer who wasn’t a spider?
If we specify “Local Honey,” it only makes sense to also specify “Distant Honey.” (“Abejo” is Spanish for “bee,” by the way.)
“OBAAA” Sheep Obama Poster. Also, it’s awful expensive to get a manicure when you’re an octopus.
Episode 8, “Let’s Find Out”:
The entire first sequence is an homage to the Aaron Sorkin behind-the-scenes walk-and-talk style. It even has a high-strung female character rattling off her character description to a subordinate male and a motivational speech given by an older white man in a bowtie. The show announcer says, “Live from the historic Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip!” RIP, Aaron Sorkin’s Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.
There’s the girl in the Misprints t-shirt again!
The logo on the octopus’ pink polo is a horse with a polo mallet. They also have a jar of pickles just sitting there in front of them.
The clues behind J.D. Salinger are from the real-life Salinger’s works. (Well, except for “Second Screen App.”)
The girl in the glasses and multicolored shirt was one of BoJack’s dates in Episode 2, and one of the shoe store patrons in Episode 6.
Someone in the background of the episode’s opening walk-and-talk was asking someone else to find out the answer to the “What is the average annual rainfall in Bora Bora?” questionthat stumped BoJack.
Mr. Peanutbutter thinks Zachary Quinto’s surname is pronounced “Keento.” And in case you weren’t clear: Mr. Peanutbutter is a Yellow Lab. Not a mutt.
There is a lot going on with this board (though one would think “Farts” is just a more specific kind of “Wind”). Remember the button with the lips on it, though.
There are actual crickets in the audience.
The plane dropping “Da Bomb” has Mr. Peanutbutter’s head painted over its nose.
Daniel Radcliffe’s bungled “BoJack Horseman”s:
-“You said your name was Chadwick Boseman?”
-“Ooh, tough break BJ Novak.”
-“Jockjam Doorslam”
The question categories are quite eclectic.
The Kia Sportage Cash-Grab Booth’s license plate says “Gamshow.”
Someone tried to figure out the math behind the show’s title on the blackboard in the background.
People at the table in Princess Carolyn’s flashback poker game include Lucy Liu, Lucy Lawless, Lori Laughlin, Lisa Loeb and the dog from Frasier.
BoJack’s correct answers: 3,500, quantum tunneling, King Magnus II, Ms. Scarlet in the Library with the lead pipe, Sassafrass, butterscotch, argyle, and “because 7-8-9.” Obviously, one of those questions is answered from a ball pit, a favorite of Mr. Peanutbutter’s.
That poor bird PA gets door-slammed twice, once by BoJack and once by Wanda. (It’s a rough day for him: BoJack also intercepts his burrito and Mr. Peanutbutter shuts down his bubble-making duties.)
One Worker Bee wheels a drum of Cheese Weenies & Lil’ Smokies Party Mix by. Another has the Rosetta Stone. Incidentally, “Queefburglar69” thinks BoJack is The Worst.
Mr. Peanutbutter shakes the rain off just like a dog, and Wanda makes an AMC dig: “You want to host a game show where everyone feels bad at the end? Get in your little car and drive to Santa Monica and pitch it to AMC. These people want resolution.”
Ah, that’s what that lips button is for.
The show apparently runs on Windows.
Episode 9, “The Shot”:
Princess Carolyn started watering the plants at Vigor as an intern and just never stopped. Other Carolyn trivia: “Crazy” is her second-favorite Gnarls Barkly song, and she has five episodes of The Good Wife on her DVR.
Items in the supply closet: PorcuPine-Sol, Winducks, Flylon.
Naturally, a billy goat would be roasting a tin can.
The Cordovian kid with no arms from Season 1 (top) is still alive in Season 2 (bottom)!
St. Clair’s Department Store sells:
-Dutch Wax
-Bridal Taxidermy
-Wet Suits/Dry Suits
-False Idols
-Camping Supplies
Nixon’s Enemies List is quite accurate:
-Arnold Picker
-Alexander E. Barkan
-Edwin Guthman
-Maxwell Dane
-Charles Dyson
-Howard Stein
-Allard Lowenstein
-All Clowns
-Leonard Woodcock
-Sterling Munro, Jr.
-Bernard T. Feld
-Sidney Davidoff
-Walt Disney
-John Conyers
-Samuel M. Lambert
-Stewart Rawlings Mott
Nixon’s Frenemy List is also pretty accurate:
-Bebe Rebozo
-Richard Danner
-Pat Nixon
-Gerald Ford
Character Actress Margo Martindale was a pretty chill inmate. Only started a couple of riots, and damn fine prison wine (“pruno”).
The real Margo Martindale won her Guest Actress Emmy for her role as Mags Bennett on Justified‘s second season, FYI.
Shoots & Leaves Cable Service. Though this time, it’s the panda on the receiving end of the shooting.
The script Wanda is reading is for Fat Guy Hot Wife, a.k.a. most broadcast sitcoms in the last few decades.
“Glowing Fuzzy Nonsense” by Thomas Kincade. Oil on canvas.
The catfish who will become the director of Secretariat is wearing a “Gone Fishin'” hat.
Artist George Rodrigue has one of his Blue Dog paintings for sale in this Yorba Linda gallery. And Anne Geddes has a portrait in there.
In the BoJackverse, it was a bunny who took the first moonwalk, and George Washington was an actual eagle.
Nixon’s bookshelf includes How to Be President, Leading a Country and Tips (presumably on how to be president).
How many of BoJack Horseman‘s hundreds of hidden jokes, puns, sight gags and pop culture references did you spot? See what you missed in Episodes 1-3, Episodes 4-6, Episodes 7-9 and Episodes 10-12.
Plus: Netflix confirms BoJack will get Season 3
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