‘The Originals’s Joseph Morgan on Klaus’ ‘Difficult Year’ and the Season 4 Time Jump

Karma’s a bitch. Klaus Mikaelson’s (Joseph Morgan) supernatural offspring got their revenge on dear old dad in Season 3 of The Originals. Lucien (Andrew Lees)—the first human Klaus sired—killed Klaus’s love Camille (Leah Pipes). Then, in the finale, a betrayed Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) sealed Klaus inside a wall in unending agony. We talked to Morgan about his character’s “difficult year” and what could come next.
After a life dedicated to selfishness, Klaus finally lived up to his oft-cited vow “Family always and forever” and gave himself up to the aggrieved Marcel to keep his siblings safe.
Yes. Klaus managed to gain at least some form of redemption by sacrificing himself to a waking nightmare in order to keep his family alive. He’s in a comalike state that’s agonizing pain where your worst fears play like a silent movie in front of your eyes. Can you imagine?
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Charles Michael Davis
The show will time-jump next season. When Klaus finally gets out, will he try to kill Marcel now that his once favorite “son” has become an all-powerful monster thanks to Lucien’s werewolf venom potion?
I don’t think so, unless it’s necessary for his survival. The bond with Marcel is one of the show’s foundations. That’s why it was so hurtful to Klaus when his brother Elijah (Daniel Gillies) tore out Marcel’s heart. I’m happy for Charles because in the last two episodes he’s done some very special work, but I’m sad for the lost relationship between the characters.
Can that rift between them ever be healed?
I don’t know. I certainly don’t think they’ll be drinking whiskey together. The Mikaelsons wrestled New Orleans from Marcel when they returned to the city [in the pilot], and now he’s taken it back. This could be the beginning of a war! There will be a score to settle, for sure.
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Will Marcel and Klaus’s sister Rebekah (Claire Holt) still have their century-old romantic feelings for each other when the show returns?
Yes. And that adds complications to this twisted family drama.
How will Cami’s death affect Klaus? Is it the end of the healing she wanted for him?
Cami was cast as the love interest for Klaus, but she ended up as so much more. She nurtured his humanity, which allowed him to be a real father to Hope, his daughter with Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin). With Camille’s death, he fears he’ll go back to the guy who turned up, guns blazing, in Mystic Falls a couple of years ago. But as long as he has his daughter in his life, there’s hope for him. Quite literally.

Phoebe Tonkin an Riley Voelkel
With two vampire-werewolf hybrids as parents, and witch genes as well, Hope could grow to be very powerful. So maybe she will be Klaus’s savior in ways that might also include rescuing him from his current imprisonment?
His savior—or his downfall? How old would she have to be to kill her father? She could have a lot of resentment. I have always felt Hope would be the key to everything.
How was filming that romantic death scene in which Klaus gave Cami one final vision of a perfect day in the French Quarter?
It was great. They wrote such poetic speeches for me. We filmed for the whole day together out in a small Georgia town, and it was the culmination of our work together over the last three years. We’re all really sad to see her go. Klaus is always bad news for women.
Considering all the havoc he has caused in his near thousand-year lifetime, does Klaus deserve a happy ending?
I want him to have redemption. That might not mean a happy ending for him, but I’d want it to bring happiness to other people, especially Hope. Whatever form that redemption takes, it should end up making a better life for her.
You play this powerful immortal with a strong sense of self-worth and a hair-trigger temper. Does your wife (Persia White of The Vampire Diaries) ever say, “Whoa, Klaus is coming out, honey”?
He does come out now and again. [Laughs] She says, “You’re giving me that look.…” But she knows how to handle Klaus.
The Originals, Midseason, The CW.