Meet the Cast of History’s ‘SIX’

Jaylen Moore
Plays Armin “Fishbait” KhanWho He Is A multilingual Afghani Muslim sniper torn over a secret some of his team members are keeping. “Fish knows what’s up—but he isn’t supposed to know,” teases Moore (NCIS: LA).
More Intel Fish will face some other tough situations, like a child carrying a bomb. Says Moore, “Do you take him out?”

Kyle Schmid
Plays Alex Caulder
Who He Is A skirt-chasing wild one who lives like every mission is his last. “He is the first guy into the deadliest scenarios, and that takes a special kind of detachment from any real valuable human connection,” explains Schmid (Being Human).
More Intel That attitude is about to change when Caulder’s estranged daughter shows up on his doorstep in between ops. “Going to war and not having to worry about coming back to let anybody down is a different mentality than having people to return to,” says the actor.

Barry Sloane
Plays Joe “Bear” Graves
Who He Is The newly appointed leader of the team following a botched mission and the recent departure of former honcho Rip (see next entry).
More intel “He was taught to bury his pain,” says Sloane (Revenge). “But it’s starting to creep out in ways he’s not expecting.” Home-front heartache isn’t far behind.

Walton Goggins
Plays Richard “Rip” Taggart
Who He Is Once the team’s top dog, the volatile Taggart has hung up his boots to work private security at a Haliburton-type firm. Why? We learn in flashbacks how he slowly unraveled and was abducted by Nigerian extremists Boko Haram.
More Intel Goggins (Justified, Sons of Anarchy) says that during captivity his character became “an unwilling participant in an existential march toward a deeper understanding of God, country and the world.”

Juan Pablo Raba
Plays Ricky “Buddha” OrtizWho He Is “I would say Buddha is the family man of the group,” says Raba (Narcos). “He is torn between two families—his wife and kids, and his band of brothers. For him, there will always be that pull: Whose needs do I fill first?”
More Intel That internal tug-of-war got extra complicated for Buddha, who was about to retire as the team breacher (a soldier charged with blowing open doors) when Rip was captured. “He knew he had to help, but he promised his wife he’d leave.”

Edwin Hodge
Plays Robert Chase
Who He Is The new guy. Chase is slowly learning the ropes and possibly even earning his teammates’ respect. “He definitely has to prove himself, but at the same time, he knows what he knows and is confident.”
More Intel Aside from a shocking initiation ritual, Hodge (Secrets and Lies) hints that his soldier “has an amazing evolution. He starts off as a breacher, but he quickly goes into a different direction.”

Donny Boaz
Plays Beauregard “Buck” BuckleyWho He Is “Buck is the Texas-proud, gun-loving, heavy-weapons specialist,” says Boaz (VH1’s Daytime Divas). “For the last two years, he was the new guy and faced constant hazing.”
More Intel “Now it is Buck’s job to ensure Chase is ready physically and mentally for the missions on the battlefield.” Think Jedi training, SEAL Team–style.
Six, Series premiere, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 10/9c, History