‘The Masked Singer’s Baby Thought Jenny McCarthy Would Guess Him

Spoiler Alert
[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for The Masked Singer Season 6, Episode 4 “House Party.”]
Another week of The Masked Singer, another celebrity unmasked and sent home.
But for Group A’s Baby, who was revealed to be stand-up comedian Daniel Lawrence Whitney, a.k.a. Larry the Cable Guy, he had just as much fun removing his mask as he did during the rest of his time on the Fox singing competition, especially fooling everyone.
“I could not wait to take off [the Baby’s] head because it was so big and bulky and I couldn’t move and I swear I thought I was going to pass out,” he tells TV Insider. “And I couldn’t wait to see the look of shock on everybody’s faces when I took it off. It was so worth it. That moment right there was worth the whole thing. If I could do it again, I’d do it again a hundred more times. It was just fun. It’s fun surprising people like that.”
The celebrity underneath the Baby mask opens up about his time on the show.
It looked like you were having fun.
Larry the Cable Guy: It was a fun thing to do – something different, something fun. [Panelist] Jenny [McCarthy] and I are friends, and she’s always picking me every year. And so I thought it’d be kind of fun to go on because I knew I could fool everybody, doing a British accent and singing opera. I enjoyed it.

So when they called you, it was an immediate yes?
Not an immediate yes. I had to think about it. I do a lot of stuff with my kids and my family and so I had to move a few things around. But yeah, I had a great time.
Talk about that Baby costume because it’s definitely striking. Why the Baby?
I just thought it was pretty cool looking and they told me it was going to be the tallest one, the biggest costume ever made. And I thought I could fit something like that. [Laughs] The only problem was I could barely move. I couldn’t see very well because I couldn’t bend or anything. I was strapped in there, so the only thing I could really move a little bit was my legs, obviously, to walk out there, but in my arms, I really had hardly any mobility. When I was coming on and off the stage, they had three people grab onto me and lead me and show me where I was going. Then when we got in together and took pictures, I was very envious because they were walking in on their own and they’re jumping around and they’re moving their legs. Meanwhile, I’m in an oven. I can’t move. So the costume was a little bulky. It was cool though.
Talk about your song choices — Barry White and the Flintstones — because they were very different.
I wanted it to be different. Look, I figured you’re going to have amazing singers. I’m not a singer. I just wanted to be entertaining. I’ve loved Barry White ever since I was a kid, and so I figured, well, it would be pretty shocking if the Baby had the English accent and then talked like a baby, then came out and did Barry White. It was OK. I thought I did pretty good at it. There wasn’t a lot of choreography — that was the best part about the whole show. Everybody had to go in and do choreography all the time. I didn’t have to do any choreography because I couldn’t move. All I had to do was just walk forward and sing and let the dancers do their thing.
And for the second one, I love singing like that. I think it’s fun. I love singing those Broadway songs. I did plays and stuff when I was in college and it’s fun to dabble in that. I knew I wasn’t going to make it very far because there are amazing singers. So I said, “Well, if I’m going to get eliminated, I’m going to go out with a bang and do something absolutely completely different.” And that’s what I did.
What’d you think of the panelists’ guesses?
I thought it was funny. They all thought I was one of those action stars. It was great. That’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to completely fool them, and I completely fooled them. I thought if anybody could get it, it would be Jenny since we’ve worked together, and she didn’t even get it, so evidently I did even a better job than I thought I did. Because when I listened to my first song, I could kind of hear me a little bit, but I knew it was me. When I sang the Flintstones, I knew that that would get them because that’s a completely operatic version of a goofy song. So I knew they would be completely stumped on that one.
The Masked Singer, Wednesdays, 8/7c, Fox