‘The Expanse’ EP Says the ‘Tables Have Turned’ for the Rocinante Crew in Season 6

The compelling series about a solar system under siege concludes after six seasons as war-weary Captain Holden (Steven Strait) takes his salvage ship the Rocinante on its last journey in The Expanse. He and his crew are caught in a conflict launched by Marco Inaros (Keon Alexander), a zealot who has inflamed his downtrodden people living in the asteroid belt, known as Belters.
“The tables have turned,” exec producer Naren Shankar says. “The Belters have waged a war on [their former exploiters] Earth and Mars.”

(Credit: Amazon Studios)
Holden committed the Rocinante to stopping Marco and his Free Navy from launching asteroid rocks at Earth. “The crew has been on a jeopardy-filled recon mission for months, and they are worn down,” he adds.
But Shankar warns of “dangers beyond Marco” on the final six episodes (released weekly). As Earth’s U.N. secretary-general (Shohreh Aghdashloo) sends former Martian Marine Bobbie Draper (Frankie Adams) on a mission to even the fight, Holden’s fears about deadly forces lurking inside the Ring Gates are now proving to be real.
Rogue Martians have taken the alien technology known as “protomolecule” to the solar system’s furthest reaches. “We’ve learned,” reminds Shankar, “when bringing protomolecule near a planet, [bleep] happens!”
The Expanse, New Episodes, Fridays, Prime Video