The ‘Lucifer’ Cast Previews the Fallout of the Devil’s Big Reveal and a Very Personal Case for Chloe

Tom Ellis in the 'Weaponizer' episode of Lucifer
Michael Courtney/Fox
Lucifer: Tom Ellis in the "Weaponizer" episode of LUCIFER airing Monday, Oct. 24 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2016 Fox Broadcasting Co. Credit: Michael Courtney/Fox

Lucifer (Tom Ellis) revealed his true devilish self to his therapist, Linda (Rachael Harris), in last week’s episode of Fox’s Lucifer, and the ramifications will be wide-reaching.

Though Lucifer never hid his real identity as the Devil, the humans in his life brushed his claims aside; they sought out other explanations, assuming he was using metaphors for his issues. But when Linda came face-to-face with his real face, she shut down…and will isolate herself from not only her patient (and former sex buddy) Lucifer, but her new friend, Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt), whom she realizes is also not human.

The creative team didn’t come to the decision to shake up the show’s dynamic lightly, staff writer Mike Costa explained to reporters on the show’s Vancouver set. “There are real consequences to that,” he said. “The entire episode is [Lucifer saying,] ‘I don’t want to be me anymore.’ We talked about that a long time: should he tell somebody? Should someone find out? When we landed on Dr. Linda, we knew that was the right choice…And [it] makes him think about how he’s going to approach his relationship with Chloe [Lauren German]. We talked about that.”

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For Linda, “the fallout is [that] not only has her world been turned upside down, but she’s been completely smashed apart,” Harris explained. “She’s really having to process what it actually means to know that this mythology that she’s questioned actually exists. She’s struggling. And quite fearful.”

Maze isn’t happy with Lucifer blowing her cover, either. “She feels like it was a very selfish reveal,” Brandt said. “Because it changes the dynamics of our interactions…the women have bonded and she’s really found her tribe, that she once again feels like, you did something and you did not think of anyone else.”

The fallout leads to Brandt’s favorite scenes of the season so far. “It’s real and raw and it sort of cuts to a part of this character that you don’t get to see very often—which is vulnerability,” she teased. “I think what’s interesting about the last episode, too, is both Lucifer and Maze reveal themselves and they got very different reactions. I got accepted by Trixie and he didn’t by Linda. They were very smart, the way the writers did that.”

RELATED: Lucifer’s Tom Ellis on the Dark One’s Mother Invading L.A.

Luckily for Lucifer, his family won’t immediately find out about his reckless decision to showcase his true self. “Where we are in the season right now, I don’t think anyone else knows yet,” said D.B. Woodside, who plays Lucifer’s angel brother Amenadiel. “More of us will, as the season progresses, but right now, I think it’s going to affect Maze first.”

As Lucifer reels from the apparent rejection, he looks to an unlikely source for a distraction: Dan (Kevin Alejandro), a.k.a. Detective Douche. “[He’s] trying to channel his inner douche,” Alejandro laughed. “He has this idea of who he thinks Dan might be, but he doesn’t really know. He’s befuddled, I guess, as to why Chloe is interested in a person like him. So he just wants to go to great lengths to figure it all out. To the point of dressing, walking, talking, cranking his neck a little bit like Dan.”

The close quarters could lead to a shift in the previously contentious relationship between the two men. “Until that episode I don’t think Lucifer had ever put himself in Dan’s shoes,” Ellis explained. “It’s not like Lucifer to do that—to empathize, to think from someone else’s point of view. Certainly with Dan, he’d made up his mind about him and that was his point of fun—this person really didn’t have an awful lot of validity in Lucifer’s eyes. But through the episode, Lucifer gets to experience the reality of Dan and Dan’s life. And I think that lands on him a little bit.”

LUCIFER: L-R: Tom Ellis, Lauren German and Lesley-Ann Brandt in the ÒMy Little MonkeyÓ episode of LUCIFER airing Monday, Nov. 7 (9:01-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2016 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Michael Courtney/FOX.

Chloe (Lauren German) works on a very personal case with Lucifer (Tom Ellis) and Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt).

Meanwhile, Chloe—who remains in the dark about Lucifer’s true identity—has her own life-changing drama to contend with: the man accused of killing her father winds up dead…and she begins to suspect he may have been falsely accused.

“It was a great opportunity—[normally] I solve crimes [and] Lucifer and I have great interaction,” German said. “But that episode, I was so invested and so emotionally charged by what’s going on, that it almost put anything else I’d normally empathize with on the back-burner. The result of that is when you have someone who is so focused on something that means so much to them, the other players [are aware] she’s trying, she’s struggling, she’s in pain. That kind of adds a new layer to getting to know each other, and [Lucifer] seeing what has hurt Chloe in the past. We both got to see each other in a new light.”

The hour also flashes back to Chloe’s relationship with her father, who is played by Chris Payne Gilbert—Brandt’s real-life husband. “Chris and I met in an acting class many years…he’s an exceptionally brilliant actor,” Brandt said. “I don’t actually work with him in the show, but he auditioned, like anyone else. We actually shot the audition in my trailer after I finished a scene. I snuck on to the extra’s costume truck and took an LAPD uniform and shot the audition on Kevin Alejandro’s camera…Tara [Nicole Weyr], our director, had no idea we were married…He got that on his own. Sure, the producers knew him and they had met him before but…it’s fun. And it’s such a heartbreaking scene.”

The deeper insight into the characters comes at an important time for the show: Lucifer just got an official full Season 2 order. Thought the news officially broke last week, the cast was clued in a bit earlier. “Tom came over to me—it was raining [and I was] standing out with an umbrella with my coffee,” Alejandro recalled. “He comes, puts his arms around me and he goes, ‘We just got picked up for 22, mate.’ I’m like, ‘What?!’ I loved it. I’m so happy to be part of this show. Everything about it. These people are amazing.”

Lucifer, Mondays, 9/8c, Fox

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