‘The Courtship’ Episode 2: The Suitors Make a Splash (RECAP)

Spoiler Alert
All’s fair in love and courting. In The Courtship Episode 2, “Acts of Chivalry,” the suitors didn’t have much time to woo heroine Nicole Rémy. For some, failing to seize the day ended in disappointment, with two more suitors leaving Castle Howard for good.
After Dr. Schanzer, Mr. Echavarria, and Mr. Ward were sent home in the series premiere, only 13 suitors remained. Here, we break down what each of them did (or didn’t do) to convince Ms. Rémy and her court they deserve more shots at love in this Jane Austen-inspired romantic adventure.
The Daily Tea
The Courtship Episode 2 started with the debut of a new feature: “The Daily Tea.” It’s a society paper reporting what’s to come that day for the heroine, her court, and her suitors. It’s giving Bridgerton Lady Whistledown energy, minus the scathing comments about the eligible lords and ladies. (Host Rick Edwards saved the shady, hilarious comments for elimination.)
The Daily Tea revealed everyone would be enjoying a day on the Castle Howard lake. The suitors would row Ms. Rémy and her court across the lake, where they would then enjoy a picturesque picnic. After the picnic, Ms. Rémy’s parents (two parts of her court — her sister and best friend are the other half) would choose a suitor for a solo date with their daughter. That first solo date was with Mr. Bochicchio. They had their first kiss under a fireworks display, making it the date to beat.

Sean Gleason/NBC
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Gentlemen, start rowing. Ms. Rémy, her court, and the suitors met Edwards by the docks where a handful of boats awaited. The suitors knew this was their chance to charm either Ms. Rémy herself or the members of the court. Captain Kim, who was on the chopping block last week, escorted Mr. and Mrs. Rémy across the lake with Mr. Saffa, who decided to go shirtless because apparently that was his idea of impressing the parents. Weird flex, but OK.
Ms. Rémy was escorted by Mr. Bochicchio and Mr. Shanklin, who hopped in the boat at the last minute, much to Mr. Bochicchio’s chagrin. The only suitors who weren’t with members for the court were Mr. Cones, Mr. Chapman, and Mr. Kesseler.
Realizing their mistake, they rowed up to Ms. Rémy’s boat and sang “Row Your Boat” in unison. Mr. Shanklin makes an opportunity to sing whenever he can (it seems like his only form of flirtation so far), so naturally, he interrupted the serenade with his velvety vocals. Ms. Rémy said she didn’t need to hear him sing “Row Your Boat” in a sexual way. And we agree.
Not ones to have their thunder stolen, Mr. Cones, Mr. Chapman, and Mr. Kesseler plunged into the lake in Ms. Rémy’s honor and pulled her boat to the shore. Her sister laughed at the gesture, but it was a very Mr. Darcy moment.
Emotional Realness
Over in the parents’ boat, Mrs. Rémy asked, “Are you both really ready for a serious relationship?” Mr. Saffa was still shirtless, so fair ask. Captain Kim took Ms. Rémy’s note from the last elimination and got vulnerable, sharing the story of his biggest heartbreak. He knew it was important to connect with her parents, as respect for elders is a pillar of his Asian culture, which he said is similar to Regency-era courting.
He said he became a confidence and relationship coach in the military because of his heartbreak. His high school sweetheart, whom he had loved since he was young, broke up with him without speaking to him. She just changed her relationship status on Facebook to show she was dating her ex. (Sheesh, maybe The Courtship was right. Modern dating isn’t working.) After years of helping everyone but himself find love, Captain Kim said he’s ready to be in love again. The parents were pleased with his vulnerability.
Back on shore, Mr. Saffa put his shirt back on and started flirting a bit with Ms. Rémy’s best friend, Ms. Cleary. Another weird flex, but OK! It could have been part of his plan to woo the court, but Ms. Rémy noticed the brief moment either way.
The picnic gave the suitors more time to bond with the heroine than they did last week. First, she chatted with Mr. Chapman and was smitten. Then came Mr. Luxe, who struggled to express himself in a meaningful way. He said the most important part of a relationship is communication, but then added he’s fine with surface-level fun. Lightheartedness has its merits, but Ms. Rémy told him during elimination last week there was no time to lose.

Sean Gleason/NBC
Mr. Mumbray and Mr. Hunter connected with Mr. and Mrs. Rémy. Mr. Hunter in particular made an impression on the parents with his maturity and expressed his desire to settle down. Elsewhere, Ms. Rémy and Mr. Cones shared a dance. Mr. Castronovo stole her away and turned on the charm, and then Mr. Holland stole her away from him. Ms. Rémy loved that he works in education as a substitute teacher.
The biggest emotional reveal came from Mr. King, who shared that his mother died three months before he came to England for the show and his brother died a month after her. They both cried, and Ms. Rémy commended him for his strength. It was a sad but heartwarming moment of connection when Mr. King said he wished he could have introduced Ms. Rémy to them, as his mom and brother were his whole family. She thanked him for opening up and trusting her with that delicate information.

Sean Gleason/NBC
The suitors waited at their abode on the grounds of Castle Howard for news of who the parents chose for the one-on-one date. Unsurprisingly, based on the picnic, they chose Mr. Hunter.
Ms. Rémy took him on a tour of the castle for their date. They eventually sat and chatted at the foot of her bed in her bedroom, which Ms. Rémy said off-camera was definitely not Regency-era, “but this is modern-day me living in a Regency world, and I’m making the rules here.” Fair.
Mr. Hunter shared stories of his life growing up on a sailboat with his family and his life traveling solo in his 20s. He said he got sick of traveling solo eventually and realized he wanted a partner with him on the adventures. Their date ended with some kissing. Not a bad way to end the day.
Back at the suitors’ house, Mr. Chapman said he’d be “shocked” if Mr. Hunter got the first kiss. Oh, honey. He didn’t. Mr. Bochicchio did. Last week. Catch up! Ms. Rémy met with her court after the date, saying she felt like she was on cloud nine. Mr. Hunter didn’t kiss and tell about his time with the heroine.

Sean Gleason/NBC
The Farewell Ball
The dreaded farewell ball finally arrived, and they cut right down to the chase with the elimination process. Ms. Rémy put Captain Kim, Mr. Mumbray, Mr. Luxe, Mr. Kesseler, and surprisingly, Mr. Cones on her elimination dance card. They each got one last dance to win another chance.
Notably, two of the boat jumpers (Mr. Cones and Mr. Kesseler) were both on the dance card. The third member of their boat, Mr. Chapman, was safe, seemingly because he got solid one-on-one time with Ms. Rémy. First up to dance was Mr. Mumbray, who said he could see their families getting along well. The court loved him and was hoping he’d stay, but Ms. Rémy said she didn’t know him as well as the court did. Still, she gave him more time. He was sent up to the balcony with the other safe suitors.
Next was Mr. Cones, who was just as surprised as we were to be in the bottom five. But plot twist: “You’re just down here because I wanted more time to spend with you,” Ms. Rémy revealed. They both blushed and giggled before Mr. Cones teased, “You’re screwing up my game!” He was safe. As he walked to the balcony, the court noted that they loved how much Mr. Cones makes Ms. Rémy smile.
Mr. Luxe danced next. Ms. Rémy said she’s attracted to him, but wanted him to make her feel special. “I am attracted to you,” he said. “I do want you. I’m just trying to figure out how I should go about it. I just wanna know where your mind is at.” The look on her face was one of confusion, as she has made that very clear from the beginning. The court was skeptical about him as well. Ultimately, Mr. Luxe was sent home.
Then, it was down to two men: Captain Kim and Mr. Kesseler. They both pleaded their cases, apologizing for not getting more solo time with the heroine. It seemed like it was anyone’s game at this point, even though Captain Kim was in the bottom last week as well. But his vulnerability with Ms. Rémy’s parents paid off, and they told her of his honesty.
“If you can show that vulnerability to my parents, then you can show it to me too,” she said. And just like that, Captain Kim was safe.
Sadly, that meant Mr. Kesseler was sent home, but Ms. Rémy explained her feelings fairly, saying, “I think you’re attractive. I feel like connections with other people are getting deeper. I’m so sorry.” He said goodbye respectfully, sharing an emotional hug with her as he told her, “I do hope you find love, seriously.”
In his final interview, Mr. Kesseler said, “My one regret is I didn’t go after it hard enough. I’m not the kind of guy that’s gonna barge through a bunch of guys to come and talk to her, and I wanted to make sure I was a gentleman in the process, so she really didn’t get to know the depth of who I am. I really was here to take that chance and really fall in love. And unfortunately, it didn’t happen.”
Before everyone left for the night, Edwards threw some cheeky shade at Captain Kim, saying “you might want to think about getting off that dance card sometime.” Oof.
Drained, but hopeful, Ms. Rémy said she was feeling more confident than before. “This is gonna get tougher and tougher,” she said. “But my husband’s in this room. I feel good about it.”
The Courtship, Sundays, 8/7c, NBC