‘SEAL Team’: Tensions Between Jason & Omar Continue to Rise (RECAP)

Spoiler Alert
[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for SEAL Team Season 6 Episode 4 “Phantom Pattern.”]
If the latest SEAL Team episode, directed by David Boreanaz, tells us anything, it’s that Bravo really isn’t Bravo without Clay (Max Thieriot) — and it’s not looking like Omar (Raffi Barsoumian) is ever going to fit in.
Their mission in Syria continues, and that means Jason’s likely going to miss more than the one stem cell treatment for his TBI he already has. Still, he tells Sonny (AJ Buckley) that he’s good, his symptoms are under control, and he’s doing his brain exercises. But Jason and the others are keeping that TBI from Omar. It does beg the question, however, as Ray (Neil Brown Jr.) points out, is it better that he find out as his “friend or disgruntled employee”?
Considering that Jason and Omar continue to clash, this time over a kid who claims to have escaped from a militia (and hasn’t killed anyone), chances are Omar will remain firmly in the “disgruntled employee” category. And it becomes even worse when Jason decides to go with the plan that uses the kid to track the IP signal linked to the attack of the U.S.S. Crampton by sending him in to the same place from which he escaped — and knowing his friend had been killed trying to do the same. As Jason sees it, he did it once, he can do it again. Omar, however, disagrees: “There’s the Bravo 1 I expected, mission over everything else.” Jason corrects him with, “mission and men. My team, my call.” Omar hopes he made the right one.
And then things get much worse when the kid is shot just after he leaves the building after successfully completing his mission. “Your team, your call,” Omar reminds Jason as they can only watch. Ouch! If one thing’s clear, there’s no way Jason can let Omar find out about his TBI now.
Meanwhile, Clay is ostensibly doing what he wanted: putting his family first, by training Green Team. But it’s clear that he wants to be further along in his recovery than he is and he can’t just put his injury in the rearview. He taunts Green Team that they won’t break any records, especially his, then one guy tells him to prove he’s good — only to then say he was out of line and if he was going to challenge an instructor, he’d pick one who would give him a fair fight. Harsh! So is it any wonder that Clay pushes himself to prove he still has it, only to fall when he jumps for a bar?
Back home, Clay takes off his prosthetic leg, only for the alarm on his phone to go off: His son isn’t breathing! Clay’s just looked over at the crutches on the other side of the room when Stella (Alona Tal) runs in and checks on their son. He’s fine; the smart socket just fell off and it was a false alarm. Clay says he had everything under control, but…
SEAL Team, Sundays, Paramount+