‘Teen Wolf: The Movie’ Boss Answers Burning Questions, Plus Will There Be More?

Tyler Posey, Vince Mattis, and Crystal Reed in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'
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Curtis Bonds Baker/MTV Entertainment

[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Teen Wolf: The Movie.]

Teen Wolf: The Movie left off in a hopeful place for most of the characters, though one werewolf did make the ultimate sacrifice.

Scott (Tyler Posey) and Lydia (Holland Roden) successfully brought Allison (Crystal Reed) back from the dead. The nogitsune and puppet-master Harris (Adam Fristoe) were defeated. Scott and Allison were back together and, after Derek’s (Tyler Hoechlin) death, took in his son Eli (Vince Mattis), who embraced being a werewolf.

Creator Jeff Davis answers our burning questions after the movie and addresses if this will be the last time we see any sort of Teen Wolf.

Was the plan always to reunite Scott and Allison once you knew Crystal would be returning?

I wouldn’t say it was always the plan. I didn’t know quite where it was gonna end up in my head, but once I figured out Scott’s story and where he was in his 30s and what was gonna happen with Derek, I did know how it was gonna happen. Scott had grown up. He’s now in his early 30s and he had been the hero that we’ve seen him throughout the show and what happens to a hero afterwards? He has no family, no pack of his own. What does he find and what does he find that he’s missing? He was missing a family. His pack was his family, and now he’s been gone to LA and he’s searching for that and he gets it again. He gets the girl he loved, and he gets a surrogate son.

Despite the other relationships since they’d broken up and she died, it almost seemed like it was really easy for Scott and Allison to get back together. Once she had her memories back, was that simply a matter of how much time you had to tell the story?

Partially. I think at a certain point I realized, my God, we’re writing Season 7 into a movie, so there are things that are gonna be compressed. But yeah, movie romances happen in shorter [time]. So to me, once they started falling back into that rhythm, you could see it happening. Would it have felt different if it was a whole seventh season? Would there have been more obstacles and more hurdles to overcome? Yeah, sure.

What do you imagine the future looks like for them as a couple now?

I have no idea because writing that movie took all the creative energy I had.

What was the plan for Kira if Arden Cho had returned? Did you have one?

We had ideas, yeah, and it’s unfortunate that we couldn’t bring her back, but that’s just the way the business goes.

Colton Haynes and Holland Roden in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Curtis Bonds Baker/MTV Entertainment

Lydia’s scream for Allison was so great. Did you know early on you wanted to have that moment be as key as it was?

Yeah, I can’t remember how I thought of it, but I knew exactly what was going to eventually bring Allison’s memories back. She was too late to scream for Allison in Season 3B, and I knew that I would give her another chance and this time she would save her. I got chills just thinking about it because I love the characters and that pleases me as a storyteller, you know? And the way the Oni all get blown away by her voice and she turns around and they look at each other and Jackson [Colton Haynes] is sitting there going, “your best friend is alive. Save her. You can save her. She’ll hear you.” Those are the moments I live for to write as a screenwriter.

Was there anyone you had wanted to come back and for whose characters you had plans but couldn’t get?

There was a bunch of people who I wanted to come back, but we just couldn’t fit them in the movie. If I could have brought Daniel Sharman back, that would’ve been amazing. But it would’ve been so much. The movie would’ve been four hours.

What would you have done with the Scott-Allison-Isaac triangle?

Oh, I have no idea. But it would’ve been fun. [Laughs]

Malia (Shelley Hennig) and Parrish (Ryan Kelley) being together was a surprise. She did say they’d talk about the look if they didn’t die, but could they make a relationship work? 

They’re both pretty wild animals, so I could see a relationship happening, but probably a tumultuous one.

JR Bourne and Melissa Ponzio in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Curtis Bonds Baker/MTV Entertainment

Will Melissa (Melissa Ponzio) and Argent (J.R. Bourne) get back together?

I would say at this point, unlikely. But I did want to bring the story in with everyone’s sort of broken up. The idea of it was that everyone was in a transitional period in their lives, in their 30s, and just to see what they would be like now. I wanted to bring everyone back to square one.

Ethan and Jackson are still together, though.

They are, yes. I wish we could have had Charlie Carver in the movie, too, but again, one too many characters.

If you had, would you have broken them up then because of what you just said?

No, probably not.

They would’ve been the one couple.

I don’t want to break up the gay couple. Wouldn’t it be great if the gay couple was the one couple that stayed together?

That was a nice surprise in the original series with that reveal of those two together.

I was so happy to be able to do that. I knew that if Colton ever returned to the series, we would have a talk about his character and his character’s true emotions.

Could there be another movie or series in the future?

I think it all depends on how this one does. As popular as it is among the fans, it still comes down to numbers and subscriber numbers and things like that. So if the bottom line looks good enough, then most likely, yeah.

Would you want it to follow Scott or keep it Teen Wolf and follow Eli? The ending does make it seem like this could be the beginning of a series for him with the adults maybe guest starring.

Yeah, the movie and the show are called Teen Wolf, so I like the idea of passing the baton and Vince is such a great kid and I fell in love with the character as I was writing it and seeing Vince bring it to life on screen was a joy. So I would say the next iteration would probably have to be set around him.

Are there any major plot points that you had in mind that you ended up scrapping for the movie?

Oh, there were a bunch.

Anything you can share?

No, because I might want to leave it for the next one.

So there’s nothing that you wouldn’t be able to use now?

No, I don’t think so. We threw a lot in there. That is a jam-packed two hours and 20 minutes. But yes, there were plenty of ideas that were written down that were scrapped. I would say one of the things that makes me happy is that we were able to get a lacrosse game in an actual lacrosse stadium.

Yeah, that was a surprise. I was wondering how you’d fit in lacrosse and fit in Coach (Orny Adams) and then having him at the memorial for Derek was so good, too.

I had a little funny line that didn’t make it in the final cut. We’ll probably put it in as a DVD extra where he says to Melissa, “I feel like I should say something.” And Melissa says, “you didn’t even know him,” and he says, “you’re right. I’ll keep it short.”

Yeah, I liked that exchange between Coach and Derek when he was like, who’s your kid? He must be athletic.

It was so nice to have an actual scene between Coach and Derek for the first time. That was their first ever scene together.

When did you know you wanted to use the nogitsune? Were there any other villains you had considered? You had quite a few good ones over the seasons.

There definitely were. But I think when we decided just how we were gonna bring Allison back, it came down to the nogitsune. But for me, the real villain of the movie is Harris.

That is true.

He’s the puppet-master behind it all and it was a great pleasure bringing him back. I have always loved that character and to see him pulling the strings behind the scenes was great.

Then Eichen House at the end…  I mean, that could be an entire series.

Yeah, we’d actually talked about doing Eichen House as its own spinoff. We would’ve called it by its nickname Echo House.

Crystal Reed in 'Teen Wolf: The Movie'

Matt MIller/MTV Entertainment

Did you ever have any other ideas in mind for how you might bring Allison back from the time you killed her off?

I don’t think so. Because actually the idea for bringing Allison back wasn’t mine. It was my brother’s, who was a huge fan of the show, read every script, was really involved in it. And he said, “You know, you gotta bring back Allison one of these days. You should do it. Just figure some way to bring her back.” And so it was always in the back of my mind.

And then this just worked out. So you hadn’t had any ideas?

Yep, this sort of fell together. I said, alright, well, first I gotta ask her. And when we texted, I said to Crystal, what do you think about picking up the bow and arrow one more time? And she said she burst into tears and said yes. And I said, alright, let’s talk.

Teen Wolf: The Movie, Streaming Now, Paramount+

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