‘The D’Amelio Show’: Charli, Dixie, Marc & Heidi Open Up About Emotional Season 3

The filter has been peeled away more than ever on The D’Amelio Show. Picking up in season 3, Dixie and Charli’s sisterly bond is tested as they look to build their respective careers. Empty nesters Marc and Heidi are doing their best to keep the family harmony while growing the business.
The next chapter in the Hulu reality series sees Charli and Dixie looking to make the most of opportunities that have come within the fashion, music, and overall entertainment industries. Charli is coming off winning Dancing with the Stars and parlaying that success into more dancing gigs. Cameras also follow the 19-year-old, facing the stress and anxiety of big gigs like co-hosting the Kids Choice Awards. This season also delves into her very public relationship with Landon Barker.
Dixie is taking steps forward in her music and fashion career. It’s a particularly emotional time for the 22-year-old as she works through mental health struggles and opens up about being diagnosed with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). She is adjusting to single life after a breakup with Noah Beck.
We sat down with the family to talk about why The D’Amelio Show is as raw and real as ever.
Charli & Dixie
You dig really deep this season and express what you’re going through. Would you say having these open conversations in front of the camera has helped your relationship?
Dixie D’Amelio: I think this season did a really good job at getting us better at communicating. In the beginning, you can see I’m struggling to share my feelings, but I’m talking about it on camera. I’m kind of forced to have some tough conversations I wasn’t sure I wanted to have because I wasn’t sure it would help anything. I think this season was a great lesson for all of us on how to work together, be together, and separate work from family relationships.
What do you think this show is doing in terms of the importance of making mental health a priority?
Charli D’Amelio: I think when you’re filming so much and going through ups and downs, you don’t necessarily think this might help someone feel less alone when talking about their own mental health in the moment. Because to us it’s not us being open about our mental health by design, but you’re seeing us feel emotions. It’s nice to know we’re helping people feel more connected to us.
Dixie: It’s not, “Oh, I’m going to share this so people know this is what I’m going through.” It’s more that there is a camera in my house, and I feel awful today, so this is what we’re talking about.

Dixie, you open up a lot about your PMDD diagnosis. How is it for you to have it out there and for others to take from your experience?
Dixie: I think it was really nice to be able to talk about it. I think because it’s such a debilitating thing where I can be totally fine one day and the next spiral to a very dark place. Then having to feel like I need to quit everything and say I’m done. Then having to explain all this to the people around me who love me was difficult. I think Charli has done a good job of being super supportive and understanding. So has the rest of my family. It has been really nice to have them. It did connect a lot of dots. Where I was like, “Remember that day where we got into a massive fight? Yeah, it all makes sense now.” There is no reason for me to be upset and emotional, but I can’t really control it many times.
Charli, Landon is featured prominently this season. What can you say viewers will see on that end?
Charli: Something it would be nice for people to remember when watching this season is you’re watching two 19-year-olds that have a lot of responsibilities. People are seeing every step they take. I think we’re learning so much about what it’s like when it comes to being in a relationship that is more adult. Just figuring out how to be there for each other in a different way rather than just a teenage relationship. It’s more about the fact we’re going through a lot of real adult things and want to make sure we navigate this the best way we can for each of us. At the end of the day, we want the relationship to work. So, just doing our best with everything going on. Whether it’s filming or being out and about or dealing with rumors. Just making the most of our relationship between the two of us more than anything else.

There looks to be some family strain this season. How would you describe the dynamic with the parents this season?
Dixie: You’re seeing us building back all our relationships after a rough and confusing time. We do get into it, but it’s hard to cover everything. The cameras are there a lot, but they are not there for everything. So, when we have off days and the cameras are there, it’s a new storyline that has to be followed by them. I love family more than anything, but I’m also allowed to have these emotions and so is everyone else. I think it’s going to be an interesting thing for people to see because I feel all the things that happened between us are common and very real.
Was there any point where you thought, “I don’t want to do this reality show anymore” because you’re being so raw and emotional?
Charli: I think everyone got to a point where we really had to question why we were doing this. When we feel like we’re getting nothing positive out of this and it’s putting a strain on our family relationship to be doing all this so publicly. Knowing that this stuff will be out there for the rest of our lives. But I also think that we agreed to do a docuseries, and now it’s more of a reality show. It’s about figuring out how we can do this the best way we can to keep the family dynamic as positive as possible for all of us.
Heidi & Marc
Talk about the journey you’ve had in reality TV and having your life stories through this platform. What have you learned from the process?
Heidi D’Amelio: It has been just that. A journey. Season 1 was pandemic, our move to L.A. Season 2 we settled in a little bit more. This season you get to see us be much more comfortable, but also navigate our family dynamic. Marc and I are empty nesters. The girls live together. I feel it’s a real version of our family. There are hiccups, high points, all of this. It shows all of it. It’s not all pretty, but it’s all us. I think you see a family that really loves and trusts each other and wants the best for each other. That’s not always a smooth ride.

Marc D’Amelio: I think what we learned is we never had cameras around us. Even though it’s unscripted and a true depiction of what is happening in our lives, we are more comfortable having cameras in our living room. The first season you’re a little more guarded, not because you’re trying to hide something. It’s because you’re uncomfortable being in the spotlight. We’ve gotten really comfortable with the crew and the people at our production company. It makes us more comfortable and vulnerable to talk about things we probably wouldn’t have talked about.
There seems to be a little bit of butting of heads between Charli and Dixie. You mentioned they are now out of the house. What can you say about the struggle you incur where you want to be parents and help them, but at the same time, let them find their own way as young adults?
Marc: I’ve found I always want to solve the problem and get in the middle of it and fix things. I realized that what would happen is that they would have a conflict, and I would lose sleep over it and try to mediate. Then by the next day, I’m still stressed out about it, even when they say they’re fine. I’ve realized they are sisters. They are going to be sisters. They are each other’s best friends. As parents, unless it’s something really bad, I try to stay out of it. I think Heidi is great at giving advice but not taking sides. That’s kind of how we handle it.
Heidi: And just letting them vent. We let them vent to us about each other with no judgment so they can clear their thoughts. That’s been a little more helpful.
This season comes in the aftermath of Dancing with Your Stars. What are we going to see in that regard? There are certainly sacrifices made because the show is so demanding of time.
Heidi: I feel like after being a stay-at-home mom after all these years, Dancing with the Stars opened and unlocked something…The show brought me a little bit to the forefront in a lot of ways. Getting comfortable with that was really hard. I’ve come a long way. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of growth. I have so much more to give to my family. I’m learning so much about myself and the content I create and what I want to put out there. With Marc and I, we’ve also unlocked something new to our relationship. I think it has a lot to do with becoming more comfortable being more communicative with him. When you’re on Dancing with the Stars, and you have to speak live in front of millions of people, you learn how to find your voice. I’ve taken that into my family as I communicate so much better. I think that has been super helpful in this new life we have.

Marc, would you do Dancing with the Stars?
Marc: It’s a lot of work, especially now with what we have going on with business. Dixie and I were talking about how it would be fun for her and me to do it. That’s just talk. It takes up your life. It’s nonstop. Not right now, but if I were asked, I’d be flattered.
There can be some similarities made with The Kardashians. What have you taken from others’ experiences?
Marc: I think one of the things we’re doing is not being so dependent on one person within our family. Creating companies and brands that take the heat off of Charli for example. We’re not the first family to be in the spotlight and not the first person to have a young person in the spotlight. You see it in music, Hollywood. So, we’re finding ways we can create longevity with the things we are doing and not be so dependent on one of us. The footwear company we started. It’s not Charli or Dixie’s Footwear brand. It’s the D’Amelio Footwear. It’s important to take the heat off of one person. I think that’s key.
The D’Amelio Show season 3 premiere, September 20, Hulu