‘Sister Wives’: Robyn Says Kody Is Trying to Sabotage Their Marriage

Robyn Brown is the only sister wife remaining after the past two years saw Christine, Janelle, and Meri Brown separate from polygamist Kody Brown, turning the once plural marriage into a monogamous one.
But now Robyn is worried that Kody is trying to sabotage their relationship as he continues to deal with the fallout of his marriage breakdown, which she says has made him “suspicious” of other women.
On Sunday’s (December 10) episode of TLC‘s Sister Wives: One-on-One, an emotional Robyn opened up about life with Kody since her former sister wives left the marriage.
“I have to stop [Kody] all the time,” Robyn told host Sukanya Krishnan. “He picks fights with me [over] dumb things. I’m in a major place of mourning, and he’s angry, and he doesn’t want to [mourn].”
She went on to say that Kody has lost all trust in women after what happened. “His suspiciousness is about women in general,” she explained. “When you go through a divorce, you’re afraid that every other… like as a woman, you’re afraid another guy is going to be like the guy you just divorced. So you’re careful, you’re cautious, you’re suspicious. So that’s what he’s going through.”
Robyn feels like she has been lumped in with those women, and that is putting a strain on the marriage.
“I just work really hard to constantly get him to remember and realize that not all women are bad,” she continued. “And I told him, I said, ‘I feel like you’re lining up all the women. I’m there with them, and you’re [mimes a machine gun], you know, shooting them all down. And that’s not fair just because you’re having some issues with other women in your life or a woman or whatever, doesn’t mean that we’re all bad.'”
As for Kody, he admitted that he “wanted to punish” himself, sharing, “I thought of myself leaving Robyn and having another lover and looking at this lover and going, ‘I don’t love you. I’m in love with another woman. I’m in love with a woman that I left because I was too much a piece of s*** to manage the relationship.'”
He also confessed to letting anger take over him. “My anger was a turnoff. It was scary,” he said. “And the dumb thing is, because I’m so honest, I just share everything with her. So I shared stuff with her that was heartbreaking. I was like, ‘I’ve been thinking like this.’ You can only imagine how terrible that was. You know, there’s some things in a man’s mind that should never be expressed.”
The Brown marriage first began falling apart in 2021 when Christine chose to leave Kody. Soon after, Janelle and Meri followed in Christine’s footsteps, leaving just Robyn as Kody’s line wife.