‘Below Deck’ Drama Queen Barbie Pascual on Fights, Feuds, Men & More

We just got off the dock of Below Deck Season 11, and it didn’t take long for Barbara “Barbie” Pascual to stir up the drama. The outspoken stew made no bones about being a daddy’s girl and growing up with nannies.
Viewers learned a lot about the new cast member in a short time right from when she brought her own sheets on board. Pascual is unapologetically herself, which has gotten her into hot water clashing with Chief Stew Fraser Olender and butting heads with fellow Stew Cat Baugh.
On the boatmance front, she showed interest in Bosun Jared Woodin. That was until he got sloppy drunk on a night out. This perhaps got her thinking more about taking Deckhand Kyle Stillie out of the friend zone. Is there a love triangle brewing? Is one Kenough for this Barbie? There already is so much to unpack, and we’re not talking luggage. Luckily, Pascual took some time out for us to help make sense of it all.
I know you’ve been a fan of the show. What was the experience for you being on it?
Barbara “Barbie” Pascual: When you watch a show, you really can’t feel what is going to happen. You think you’re just going to go yachting. For a yachty, you think you’re just going to go on another job. But when I walked on the boat and realized everything that was entailed with St. David, it was a lot.
You talk about being this self-proclaimed “daddy’s girl.” Did you prepare him and the other family for what’s to come?
I did. I called them about doing this. My family is not a huge fan of me doing this. They are very private and not at all like me. I’m definitely the black sheep. They don’t love I’m putting myself out there like this, but they support me.
You recently appeared on Watch What Happens to Live with Andy Cohen. How is it transitioning into a Bravolebrity and being this public person where everyone has an opinion?
It’s nerve-wracking, but I believe the best way to go about things is to be myself. Never being fake, never dramatizing, or adding things that aren’t authentically me. I think if I stay true to myself I’ll be able to get through it. One of my biggest dreams was to meet Andy Cohen. I’m a huge Real Housewives fan. Just doing the show was a dream come true.

BELOW DECK — Pictured: Barbie Pascual — (Photo by: Fred Jagueneau/Bravo)
What kind of reaction have you gotten about your shade on Reality Von Tease?
I’ve gotten some DMs from some Realtiy Von Tease fans giving me a bit of hate there. Reality Vont Tease started by talking about other people, so she should be able to take it.
When it comes to Fraser, is there anything you would have done differently out of the gate?
In general, I think I could have shown up with no sheets, no Chanel, and no Louie. I could have come with fewer things. Then I would have been judged less, but that’s not who I am.
Do you think he was harder on you than Cat?
For sure. His treatment of me was completely different. He was way harsher on me than on Cat. With her, he was coddling and saying it was okay. With me, it was very opposite. Again, her personality is very sensitive. Mine is very strong. I think he thought she could take a certain kind of leadership, and I could take a different one. But ultimately it was very detrimental to me.
How was it finding out about Cat’s family issues? Do you look at her differently now?
Definitely. A lot of people think she is weak because she is crying so much. Watching her story and everything she has overcome and done to get where she is now shows nothing but strength. Watching that part of her life and learning about that was making me think, “Wow, you’re strong.” This is a shock. It’s a lot to be on this boat. It’s a shock to the system. She should just have never been on this boat, but I give her grace.
How was it for you to see the conversation where Fraser reported to Captain [Kerry] Titheradge about his frustrations about you?
I thought Fraser was completely unfair. Fraser was just trying to get me out the door. The last time we spoke he said to change my attitude. I said I would, but he didn’t give me space to do that. It just shows how amazing Captain Kerry is and how he likes to listen to both sides. He is not going to fire someone just because the chief stew came and didn’t like her personality. Props to Captain Terry.
It seems like Sunny [Marquis] was someone you bonded with early on. How important was that friendship? How did you feel about what went on between her and Ben [Willoughby]?
Sunny was home. Going home to my cabin each night and having Sunny there was like whatever was going on with my team, she was my safe spot. She was my saving grace this season. As for her relationship with Ben, it scared me. I didn’t like it. I didn’t want that for her, but she is a strong girl and can handle herself. At the same time, Ben can be a great guy, so we’ll see how that plays out.

WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN — Episode 21036 — Pictured: (l-r) Barbara “Barbie” Pascual, Jared Woodin — (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)
Watching past seasons of Below Deck, did you bring any preconceived notions about Ben?
I watched the season with Leigh-Anne Smith and Camille [Lamb], so when I walked on that boat and saw him. Keep in mind we had no idea who would be on the boat until we went on. You really meet for the first time on the show. It’s real. So when I went on and met for the first time, I said, “I’m staying away from you. You’re trouble.”
You were drawn to Jared. What was your reaction to him having a child?
That was my connection to him. I really got to see he wants to be an amazing father and how much he cares about his daughter and wants to be closer to her. That is what made me look at him as a potential someone I would have fun with on the yacht and date. He has those father qualities, which speaks volumes about a man.
You turned your attention to Kyle after witnessing how Jared conducted himself during the night out. What can you tell us about that relationship? Is there a love triangle we’re going to see play out?
There is definitely no love triangle. I’m not a triangle kind of girl. I will say I made a massive mistake that I’m always going to regret. Maybe we’ll talk about it in another moment, but I made a mistake I’m never letting myself live down.
That is some tease. Speaking of which, this season it looks like there are some interesting guests to come with some unique requests. How would you say you were tested by them this season?
We got lucky with some great guests. We also got some really difficult ones. Those were really hard when you can’t feel like a family with the people you’re with. We had a few of those. There was one who was obnoxiously rude. Really, really rude. There are a few more to deal with, but I had a great experience with the guests. They were actually also my saving grace because I was having so many issues with my interior team. With the guests, I was like, “Save me. Hey, do you need anything?”
How did you feel you’ve grown from this experience?
I’m thankful and blessed. God blessed me with this opportunity to look at myself in the third person and self-reflect. See my attitude and see living your truth is okay, but you do need a filter. I’m making massive changes in being a better, nicer person. How I react and approach people, and how I’m often defensive. The things that come out of my mouth. Thinking before I speak is something I’m learning.
What issues does the boat face that you remember?
There are some tender problems. That’s mainly it. When we were docking, I was mostly inside. I know the docking may have been a problem, but I was completely oblivious.
How do you think Chef Anthony [Iracane] did?
I think he has an amazing personality. You don’t find chefs on boats with his personality. There is this thing people think all chefs are crazy. I don’t think they are, but you can find chefs who are confrontational. This chef was amazing. What he did was art, and it was delicious. I was one of his favorites, so he would sneak me food on the side. That’s my guy. I’m friends with him now.
You are a massive Housewives fan. What’s your favorite group and housewife?
My favorite franchise is the Real Housewives of New York. My favorite girl from there is Brynn Whitfield. My diehard favorite is Heather Dubrow. She is so classy. I look up to her. She wore the same dress I did on Watch What Happens Live.
Did she reach out to you and say that?
She did! She said, “Dress twins.” I was thinking, “No way! This is my icon.” It was a moment for me there.
Where do you see this opportunity taking you?
I own an event business now. It’s called Beyond the Table by Barbie. I’m hoping one of the housewives or anyone will let me do events for them. Maybe Kevin Lee will call. He does all the parties for the housewives. He is the best. I’m hoping this opens me up to the event world.
Would you do another season?
I would love it. I love this. It was really hard, and I didn’t enjoy it while I was doing it. But when I finished, I thought back and felt good about it and would totally do it again.
What can you tease for the rest of the season?
I think you’re going to see a lot of drama. People getting fired and hired, coming on and off the boat. You’re going to see the boatmances. You’re going to see me hopefully improve. There is a lot of fighting with me.
How would you say your relationship evolves with Fraser?
I always had a high level of respect for him. I’ve seen him in different seasons. Before I got on the boat I was messaging my friend to please have Fraser as my chief stew. The respect for his work was always there. It’s just personality clashes. Those personalities clashed the whole season, but we did learn to work with each other in different ways.
Below Deck, Mondays, 8/7c, Bravo