‘The View’: Joy Behar Says Kamala Harris Has Donald Trump’s ‘Tighty Whities in a Twist’

Joy Behar on The View

The hosts of The View closed the week out with a very spirited conversation about the new state of play in the 2024 presidential election.

Joy Behar opened the segment by saying, “The presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris is really helping Democrats get their groove back. Young voters are registering in record numbers. Her fundraising is off the charts, and her new campaign ad has a soundtrack provided by — wait for it — Beyonce!”

After airing the “Freedom”-themed campaign announcement video, which drew massive applause from the audience, Behar continued, “So there’s a shiny new candidate in town and someone’s tight whities are in a twist! Remember when Trump promised to be a ‘uniter’ and a president for all Americans? That’s over because he’s back to being a bully.” She then introduced campaign trail footage of Trump calling Harris “Lyin’ Kamala” and calling her a “new victim.”

“He’s extremely triggered,” Alyssa Farah Griffin agreed. “Listen, he thought he was going to run against Joe Biden. He was kind of riding high on this wave of doing better. And today, the first general election poll from Morning Consult came out that has Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump, and she’s been in the race like five days … The dynamics of the race are fundamentally shaken up.”

Griffin added that she, who’d been calling for Biden to step down ever since the debate, didn’t initially think Kamala Harris was the right person to take over, but said, “She is running a smart general election campaign message. Her message is the economy, paid family leave… She says the core focus of her campaign and presidency will be restoring the middle class.” She did, however, suggest that Harris needs to tighten up her messaging and planning with regard to America’s Southern border.

Ana Navarro, ever the wordsmith, chimed in to add, “I wish the Republicans were doing that, making this about the issues, the real issues that America deserves a debate on. Instead, they are so triggered and so wacko, they are shook-eth. They’re out there saying vile remarks about Kamala Harris.” Navarro then said that Republicans are mispronouncing her name on purpose, demonstrating the proper pronunciation, and adding, “You don’t want to learn how to pronounce it that’s fine, but you’re going to be saying, ‘Madam President.”

Sara Haines, too, expressed surprise by response to Kamala Harris … but in a positive way. “Every day the numbers are jumping. Beyond what you mentioned in the introduction, the fundraising, you’ve got these phone calls happening where thousands of people are getting there. I love it because that video they just played, look at the contrast… Everyone is thirsty for hope, and she is killing it.”

The View, weekdays, 11 a.m. ET, ABC