CNN’s Erin Burnett Drops Trump Story F-Bomb On Air, Has Ron Burgundy Moment

Erin Burnett and Will Ferrell
CNN YouTube; Dreamworks/courtesy Everett Collection

CNN anchor Erin Burnett had to apologize to viewers on Tuesday night (October 22) after reading a quote live on air and forgetting to censor herself when it came to a curse word.

The Ron Burgundy-style blooper happened on Tuesday’s episode of OutFront, where Burnett and her guests discussed a new article from The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg. In the piece, Goldberg claims former president Donald Trump referred to deceased soldier Vanessa Guillén as “a f****** Mexican” after complaining about picking up her funeral costs.

“According to Goldberg, Trump asked, ‘Did they bill us for the funeral? What did it cost?'” Burnett said, reading aloud the quote from the article, which also appeared on screen. “According to attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant, an aide answered: ‘Yes, we received a bill; the funeral cost $60,000.’ Trump became angry. ‘It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f***ing Mexican!'”

After dropping the F-bomb uncensored, Burnett said, “Excuse my language there… I just read it. But that’s what he said, so…”

You can see Erin’s uncensored moment here, together with her apology.

Burnett’s uncensored gaffe brought to mind Will Ferrell‘s character, Ron Burgundy, in Anchorman. As Fred Willard‘s character says in the movie, “For the last time, anything you put on that prompter, Burgundy will read!”

However, Burnett wasn’t the only one to drop the F-bomb on CNN on Tuesday. The View co-host Ana Navarro spoke on air with Anderson Cooper, where she said, “If you don’t believe that Donald Trump is capable of saying ‘$60,000, does it cost that much to bury a f***ing Mexican?’ then you haven’t been listening to Donald Trump.”

As with Burnett, Navarro did not censor herself and said the F-word in full.

Burnett noted that a Trump spokesperson has denied Goldberg’s reporting. Meanwhile, Goldberg claims his sources said Trump made the comments weeks after the 2020 election during a meeting in the Oval Office.

Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, took to X on Tuesday, where he claimed to be in the room during that meeting and said that Trump had never made those comments.

“Any suggestion that President Trump disparaged Ms. Guillen or refused to pay for her funeral expenses is absolutely false,” Meadows wrote. “He was nothing but kind, gracious, and wanted to make sure that the military and the U.S. government did right by Vanessa Guillen and her family.”