‘Chicago Med,’ ‘Fire’ & P.D.’ to Cross Over in 2024-2025 Season — First Details Revealed

The One Chicago franchise is the best at crossovers, and that includes the smaller ones; for example, P.D.‘s LaRoyce Hawkins brought Atwater to Med recently as Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) deals with her stalker. But it’s the major, all-night, three-show ones that truly stand out. And there’s finally some good news about that!
The three shows—Chicago Med, Fire, and P.D.—that take over the Wednesday night lineup on NBC will be crossing over “later this season,” for an event that “centers on a massive explosion in an office building that upends the entire city (above and below ground),” according to TVLine. We’ll have to wait to see if this switches the order the episode air in (i.e., Fire for the rescue before Med to treat the victims).
Crossovers have been a part of this franchise since it started to expand; Fire premiered in 2012, followed by P.D. in 2014, and Med in 2015. (Law & Order: SVU and the short-lived Chicago Justice (2017) have also gotten in on the action.) The first three-show One Chicago crossover came in 2016, connected by a victim from a fire being a patient who had been given unnecessary chemotherapy. Then in 2018, the event centered around a fire in an apartment complex. The following year’s in October focused on a deadly bacteria in Chicago, and that was the last one, due to the pandemic, then last year’s shortened seasons (as a result of the writers and actors’ strikes).
Because it’s been so long, this upcoming crossover will be a first for many of the cast across all three shows, including Med‘s Luke Mitchell (Ripley), Sarah Ramos (Lenox), and Darren Barnet (Frost), Fire‘s Jake Lockett (Carver), Jocelyn Hudon (Novak), and Dermot Mulroney (Pascal), and P.D.‘s Benjamin Levy Aguilar (Torres) and Toya Turner (Cook).
When TV Insider spoke with P.D. showrunner Gwen Sigan in October and asked about a crossover, she’d said, “They’re always in the ether. We’re always hoping to do one.”
What are you hoping to see from this upcoming crossover? Let us know in the comments section below.
Chicago Med, Wednesdays, 8/7c, NBC
Chicago Fire, Wednesdays, 9/8c, NBC
Chicago P.D., Wednesdays, 10/9c, NBC