‘Wheel of Fortune’: Contestant Will Hosts 100-Person ‘Sausage Fest’ Watch Party for Viral Fail

WNTH News 8

Wheel of Fortune sensation Will Jordan put a positive spin on his colossal fail earlier this week. Instead of shying away from the on-air mishap, he celebrated his appearance with a 100-person watch party and the local news to see how the sausage was made.

On Monday, November 11’s episode, Jordan, a Coast Guard veteran and now police officer of 23 years from Wethersfield, Connecticut, made what the internet dubbed the most hilarious wrong guess ever. He rang in to answer a “Phrase” puzzle. Only a few letters were blank, and the correct answer was “Give yourself a round of applause.” However, Jordan incorrectly guessed, “Treat yourself a round of sausage.” Immediately, his fellow contestant Kitina answered correctly. “Will, I kind of like yours better,” host Ryan Seacrest joked afterward. It was the wrong answer heard around the world, joining “Right in The Butt” in the WoF history books.

Jordan appeared in a segment on WNTH News 8 the following day. It showcased his watch party when the episode aired with 100 of his closest friends at a local pub. WNTH sent a reporter who spoke to Jordan and his proud son, who encouraged his dad to audition.

“Every night, he would watch the show, and he did, like, pretty good,” Shawn told the station. He donned a WoF tee, while his dad wore one to match for the grand occasion. Jordan admitted that the taping was “overwhelming” compared to playing at home but said everyone on staff was “really nice.”

The segment then cut to everyone watching the fateful moment, with Jordan standing by a projector and his pals all with bated breath, seeming expecting something was cooking. When “Treat yourself a round of sausage” aired, he ducked into a doorway, and the room lit up in laughter.


“The wind was taken out of my sail, right?” Jordan told WNTH, reflecting on the immortal answer. “I’m thinking ‘Oh my god, six to eight million people just watched the incorrect answer.’ And it’s a little funny too I have to say. Nothing inappropriate. I heard a little gasp in the audience.”

Jordan was seen hugging it out with some friends, one of whom wore a “Treat Yourself a round of sausage” apron. He also shared he’s started a raffle for his local food bank, already raising $1000.


A fan shared the local clip to a WoF Reddit forum, where others said they loved his good sportsmanship and that he was using his 15 minutes for a good cause.

“Super cool that he turned his blunder into a charitable act. He’s treating the community a round of sausage,” one fan wrote.

“Should’ve asked him about the K…” wrote another.

What did you think of Will Jordan’s sausage snafu, and how he’s spinning it into a good cause? Let us know in the comments section below!

Wheel of Fortune, Weeknights, Check local listings

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