‘Married to Medicine’: Dr. Contessa Metcalfe Speaks Out About Heavenly Drama & Marriage

After stepping away from the reality show spotlight for a season, Dr. Contessa Metcalfe jumped right back into the drama of Married to Medicine. It didn’t take long before things got heated between herself and Dr. Heavenly Kimes as the digs cut a little too deep during a girls trip to the Westgate River Ranch Resort & Rodeo in Florida.
Hostilities remained after the near rumble at the ranch for these former best friends. Although the two worked to remain cordial for the sake of the group into the latest couples excursion in Key West. We booked an appointment with Dr. Metcalfe for an examination about what unfolded during Season 11 so far and what else is in store.
You took a small break from the show. What went into your decision to come back?
Dr. Contessa Metcalfe: I was on the show for five years. I mean I missed my friends! They were having fun without me. It was great to see how they figured out how they were going to settle down with Sweet Tea (Lateasha Lunceford) in the mix. I’ll tell you it’s challenging for the new wife to come into the group alongside the ex. That would have been hard for me to do deal with. So after that got settled out, it was great to come back and not have to choose sides so to speak. Well, maybe? Maybe not. It’s a challenge.
Did it take some convincing for your husband Dr. Scott to agree to come back too?
All the women will tell you the men are like, “They get nothing but the praise for being on the show.” Of course, they become the subject sometimes. At the same time, the men are just out there out and about and love being recognized. Like, “I know you.” You men like to get your egos rubbed. For him, it’s like as long as it’s good with the kids. Making sure the kids are steady and in a safe space and there is not too much blowback. That’s the hardest thing. My kids are older now. My kids are also on social media. My oldest is 16. Being able to handle the negative blowback that happens could be hard on their mental health. So we have to be careful with that.

MARRIED TO MEDICINE — Pictured: (l-r) Phaedra Parks, Dr. Contessa Metcalfe, Dr. Heavenly Kimes, Lateasha Lunceford, Dr. Simone Whitmore, Dr. Jacqueline Walters — (Photo by: Derek White/Bravo)
Right out of the gate, things broke down between you and Heavenly. All the emotions came out. How was revisiting that exchange at the ranch? Social media was on your side, feeling Heavenly hit below the belt by bringing up your mom who was deceased into the argument.
We don’t know this for a fact, but I’m giving her a little bit of grace this year because this year she seems very angry with everybody. I think she is going through something. I would love to know what it really is. As much as it was tough for me in that moment, I did think it was low. Like who does this? Almost the next night and the night out, the emotions came down almost immediately because you’re not that combative and that mean unless you’re going through some things yourself. Maybe just maybe, we’ll find out soon enough, if there is more to the story. I do have a degree in psychology, so there you go.
Then you were paired up together during the water game in Key West. Do you feel that defuse things?
That was tricky, wasn’t it? I’m like, “These girls know what they are doing.” They are saying the paring was random. It was not random. I wish she would have just lifted her hands and let me handle things because I’m always a winner. That’s the point. As much as we can go back and forth and be combative, we can also be a team if we need to team up. It didn’t go very well. It doesn’t mean we will be successful and win, but we can do it. I also wanted to prove to prove to the group that as much as there is conflict among us, that doesn’t mean we will be like children and say, “I don’t want to play anymore.” You can have a bad day and get up the next morning and still do whatever is best. 2025 has shown us already life is too short.
I was cracking up seeing you and Scott walk up looking for this pool party. Then it turns out to be a Vibe Check couples game. Did you all feel set up in that sense as a group?
I would have worn a formal gown if I’d known what we were walking into. The pool was just part of the background. The Vibe Check was a lot. I was happy to hear what was happening with the other relationships. Like Scott and I are doing great here. Hearing [couples having] no sex? What are you all talking about? Who does that? That’s the thing. Scott and I have been married 20 years. A lot of the other couples have been married even longer than that. For some of the younger couples and others in the dating phase, that Vibe Check shows you the transition that happens. Then of course what happened with Dr. Greg [Lunceford], Quad [Webb] and Tea. That was like insane. But it also shows you that despite divorce, there is still a lot of emotion right below the surface.
What did you think of Dr. G trying to silence Tea as Quad was going in on him?
I know them. I’ve talked to them. I’ve been at dinner when it’s just myself, Scott, Tea and Greg and a lot of interactions, he’ll say stuff like, “Ignore her. Don’t respond to her.” It’s hard though. It’s hard when you feel like you’re being triggered to not respond. I’ve heard him say over and over again to her, “I don’t want you to engage. Do not engage.” Then there is the age gap. He wants her to do what he wants her to do, but Tea you know for two years. You know she isn’t going to be told what to do. There is this yin and yang when it comes to them. I think she is finding her footing and voice in this marriage. I don’t’ know what happened before, but I do know for a fact she is not being told what to do. I think we’ve all been there in relationships. My husband is older than me. There has been a lot of times he’ll say, “You don’t know what is going on. I’ve been here longer than you.” I’m like, “Don’t baby me. Don’t tell me what you think is happening. I’ve been here long enough.” It took some time for us to have to deal with that. He tried to tell me like t his at the beginning of our relationship. Now watching it unfolds, maybe he was right. Maybe engaging was not right for both of them. He should have taken his old advice.
How has it been getting to know Sweet Tea? It seems like Heavenly was taking offense that you were getting close to her. Maybe seeing her as an outsider.
Which is a paradox because she invited her to the group! Didn’t Heavenly bring her! I guess she rescinded the invitation that we missed. That’s the thing. I just have to be honest. I think Heavenly just wants me to be her friend. She doesn’t know how to say that. Her actions are almost like when you’re little and someone likes you and hits you or calls you names or picking at you because they want your attention. That’s what I see. I think she is missing our friendship. As much as she, talks about me, what else can I take from that?
It seems on the show you and Scott are in a good place. How would you describe your relationship today? What have you taken from the past to move forward like you have?
Here we are 20 years. This is our 20th year of marriage. Every relationships has ebbs and flows. We have been through bumpy patches before. We were first long distance in our marriage in the beginning. So, when we first moved to the same city it was tough. Of course, that seven-year period. Having kids was tough. Having to figure out how to give Scott his Scott time and not just focus all my attention on the kids because that is what mommies do. We get into mommy mode and forget about the relationship stuff. There have been times we’ve had ebbs and flows, but we just keep learning and growing together. That’s what it is all about. We have to make a conscious decision and commitment to our commitment. Time can bring new challenges, but it also teaches us a lot of lessons. That’s what we continue to do. The last couple of years have been some good years, but there were also some tough years before those. So, I think we’ve earned this time.

MARRIED TO MEDICINE — Season:11 — Pictured: (l-r) Phaedra Parks, Toya Bush-Harris, Dr. Jacqueline Walters, Dr. Simone Whitmore, Quad Webb, Dr. Heavenly Kimes, Lateasha Lunceford — (Photo by: Phylicia J. L. Munn/Bravo)
You mention having a 16-year-old [Lauren]. What does she make of the show as she understands it more?
I’ve had to block my daughter before because she is a teenager. When someone says something negative about mommy or our marriage, she will want to say something and respond. I’ll have to tell her, “These are grownups. You can not. Mommy can defend herself.” I’ve had to tell her at times not to engage or take things personally. I do let her know we have chosen to receive this criticism and open our worlds up for commentary. You can’t be made when it’s not all positive. That’s true with families too. You can’t just not speak to your parents if they have something negative to say about what is going on in your relationship. You just have to go, “I’ll take this and receive it and do what I want with it for this moment. Maybe it’s helpful. Maybe it’s not. You keep moving.” You can’t internalize everything either. It has been a learning experience for her to also get tougher skin. Learn resilience.
What can you tell us about your story for the rest of the season?
Look, I get to be the fun-time friend. That’s my part. But what is happening in our world, my husband and I just purchased a building last year. It was a great opportunity to expand our practice. We now have decided to do more comprehensive primary care. I also do addiction medicine. I’ve also been able to expand our footprint to people who are suffering from opioid, alcohol abuse and so many other different issues. I also do other addictions like addiction to food and so many other things. We could be here all day to talk about all the things I see. I’ve been really grateful of the opportunity to see what I do. I’ve gotten a realm of patients I didn’t expect. Working with my patients, it teaches me to be a better mommy to my kids. I learn a lot through my patients.
What can you tease about the trips coming up? It seems things might be getting physical with the guys. We may need some security at one point. What can you tell us?
The rest of this season is going to be quite delightful. Visually, it will be beautiful because there is a lot of pomp and circumstance and costumes. Emotionally, I think it will be tough for a lot of the ladies and guys. Also, it’s also a lesson that we have so many unresolved things we have sometimes beneath the surface. We hold it together as we possibly can. One single teeny tiny thing can break the dam and everything just pours out like an avalanche, so you have to watch. Again, we opened up yourself to this and the commentary. Also, look at our experience and figure out something you may have done differently or maybe take a look at things and see if it’s maybe something you need to manage on your end. This season is emotional. I will say that. I hope I can be the friend. This year has been a stable year for me. When you’re going through it, you have to be there for people who are. I hope and pray I’ve been a good friend to all my friends who are struggling right now.
Married to Medicine, Sundays, 9/8c, Bravo
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