HGTV’s Jenn Todryk Gives ‘No Demo Reno’ Season 4 Update

It’s been more than a year since fans were treated to new episodes of No Demo Reno on HGTV, with Season 3 concluding in December 2023. So, is there a Season 4 on the horizon?
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like it’s coming anytime soon. “I am super grateful that I have a really awesome relationship with HGTV,” host Jenn Todryk, who’s partnered with Scotch Brand for their 100th anniversary, told TV Insider. “I know that the door is open so whenever I want to make content, I can. That’s something I’m really grateful for. But life is so busy right now, I’m just trying to survive with all the home life stuff now. But HGTV is great and I really have loved working with them.”
Todryk has three kids to keep her busy, as well as other work obligations on her plate. Plus, she recently picked up an unexpected new hobby that’s taking up a lot of her time, and she dished to TV Insider all about it. Scroll down for the full interview.
You’ve spoken in the past about the struggle of balancing work with motherhood – where are you at now with navigating that?
Jenn Todryk: I’m kind of in a new work/fun balance that I have never been in. Every single day you have to make the choice to have a mom/work balance and it’s really hard. You have to wake up and choose that. So if I say I’m going to be home at 4:30 to help get someone to dance while my husband goes and takes someone somewhere else, I have to choose to be home at 4:30 and I have to do it. It’s a choice every single day. I will say, I’m glad God has blessed me to be able to do that pretty well and kept me very strong in that belief. It made me really strong, especially in the TV industry. I can see how work/life balance can go down real fast in this industry. It’s really quick-paced, lots of long hours in the day, there’s so much more content that can always be made. So I can imagine that it’s easy to get lost in that.
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But right now, I feel like I’m very much in a work/fun phase. I’m so used to working and being a mom, which has been the past decade, that’s what I’ve been doing. I’m not at the salon, I don’t get my nails done, I get my haircut once a year. I don’t want to waste my time doing that. But I picked up a hobby and I’ve been playing tennis. I’ve never played sports with balls but I am actually borderline obsessed with it. It’s the thing I look forward to on my calendar every week. It’s a new joh that’s a high. I’m navigating now being okay with oing that and not being like, ‘I have to be home producing or I’m not living right.’ It’s sad. But that’s what I like to do – have a checklist and report to people that I’ve done this, this, and this today. So I’m kind of navigating working and also taking a little time, now that all three kids are in school, I have a whole day.
Have you had to say no to certain things and how do you decide when it comes to work what you’ll say yes to?
I think it’s evolving even now. I started tennis, like, a year ago. I had the mindset when I started that I was only going to do it once a week and only if work allowed. I was really resistant and my friends would try to get me to do more and I was like, ‘No, I have to be at home.’ Now it’s evolved to almost where I treat it as a workout and it’s my health choice. So I’m really doing it four times a week. Now I schedule around that. Obviously there’s priorities with work, but within reason. It’s just teaching myself to be okay. When I’m in the moment and I’m there, I’m happy and I’m just concentrating on that. There’s just so many good things that come from that, especially since I didn’t come out naturally good at it, and that’s frustrating for me. So it’s another place to achieve in my life that isn’t a job or profit-gaining. It’s simply just to work on something to be better for myself and I gain nothing from it. So that’s satisfying, too.
I like to achieve, I like goals, and to do better, and the fact that I don’t hit them very quickly in tennis is what keeps me addicted. It’s just the phase I’m in now – doing something for myself and being okay with it. I’m still not 100 percent okay with it, but I told myself that my goal is that I’m going to do it and hopefully it will evolve naturally.
Aside from tennis and the kids, what else has been keeping you busy lately?
We’re in the middle of a huge renovation for our second coffee shop. We have a brewery that my husband and I own together and we renovated that, as well. That was featured in Season 3. So that has taken up, like, two years of our life. This renovation is taking up a good chunk of time. I’ll give my husband credit – he is in the thick of it. That’s his 9-5 is really keeping that stuff going and of course we design it and make all the decisions together on that.

Courtesy of Scotch Brand
And then being on Instagram. I got a weird job. It’s weird, but it’s fun. Shockingly, that job could 100 percent take up 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. because you can literally produce and work all day. So I think people in that profession get in trouble there too because it’s so easy to keep working. You have to have boundaries.
Tell me a little bit about your partnership with Scotch™ Brand and why it’s something you were passionate about teaming up for?
Scotch reached out about me partnering with them just to bring some awareness to their 100th anniversary, and I was like, ‘You know, this makes sense.’ Because I use Scotch products at work and then I come home and I have two craft-addicted daughters, so it’s just funny that I’m at work using Scotch painter’s tape and I come home and I’m using all different kinds of tape for crafting. So it just felt like a really authentic partnership. No other brand really comes to mind that I use at work and then come home and use it with my kids for a totally different purpose.
What are some of your favorite ‘moments that stick’ from over the years?
I have so many good memories that stuck, and I have a horrible memory, so it’s really great when they stick. I love it so much. I need Scotch tape to get them to stick in there because I have a horrible memory. I think first and [at the] forefront is my kids. My kids and my family, that’s what matters the most to me. I had a really cool, unexpected career path. I always joke that I accidentally made a career for myself and it’s 100 percent true. So I have a lot of cool things and opportunities that I’m so grateful for and would’ve never have if I wouldn’t have started blogging. So there’s a lot of things that stick in that regard.
Todryk teamed up with Scotch Brand for “The Next 100 Project,” a campaign “designed to encourage everyone to turn ideas into reality and capture, share, and celebrate the next 100 years.” Fans can enter to win limited-edition Scotch Brand instant print camera and an assortment of Scotch Brand Product by visiting by March 31 to complete an online entry form.