Sara Haines Accidentally Curses on ‘The View’ Discussing Far-Right Influencers the Tate Brothers

Sara Haines on The View

Sara Haines got a little too fired up about one of the “Hot Topics” up for discussion on Monday’s (March 10) live episode of The View. In fact, she got so incensed during her contribution to the second discussion of the day that she accidentally let a curse word slip out mid-sentence

The cohost was chiming in on the panel’s discussion of the UFC’s Dana White welcoming the controversial far-right influencer Andrew Tate, who has been accused of human trafficking, sexual misconduct, and money laundering, to a fight over the weekend. Tate was joined by his brother at the Las Vegas event and was seen hugging and shaking hands with White. Tate, a self-proclaimed misogynist, recently returned to America after fleeing Romania after a travel ban against him was lifted, possibly with the help of Donald Trump‘s White House.

After reviewing footage of some of Tate’s controversial statements, including that women are property, as evidenced by the wedding custom of fathers “giving away” their daughters as brides, the cohosts revealed what bothered them most about Tate’s presence at the event — or in America, period.

When it was Haines’ turn, she said, “I hate that they always are linked to the term ‘pro-masculine’ because it’s not an equivalent to say you’re pro-masculine and you hate women. That is not the same thing.”

Haines then went on to say, “I don’t know who hurt this boy — he’s a grown a** man” before apologizing on air for that brief swear slip and continuing her thought: “Something went wrong in his life, because when you hear the things he says — ‘Women are intrinsically lazy,’ ‘There’s no such thing as an independent female,’ ‘Women bear responsibility for being sexually assaulted,’ ‘Women belong in the home,’ ‘They’re property of men’… By the way, he needs to know how to look into social traditions. The reason men used to, fathers, walk their women down was for that reason, because they were financially dependent on a man. Times they are a-changin’ booboo. My mom walked me down the aisle.”

Haines wasn’t the only one who was vehemently opposed to everything Tate stands for among The View crew.

Alyssa Farah Griffin said she “loathe[s]” Tate and his brother and theorized, “I think it’s because he has a weak chin that he’s got this weird complex because that is not what masculinity is.” She went on to praise Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, for saying the brothers are not welcome in the state after their airplane landed in it, as well as the attorney general for opening an investigation into the pair.

Then, Ana Navarro put the blame on Trump’s team for “put[ting] pressure” on Romanian officials to release the travel ban against Tate.

Finally, Whoopi Goldberg suggested Tate wouldn’t say the things he does in front of a real woman, adding, “I would not recommend walking up to any woman and saying any of this because there’s no guarantee that you leave the situation with your teeth intact.”

The View, weekdays, 11 a.m. ET, ABC