Who Owns the ‘Brady Bunch’ House & How Can You Visit? (Plus: You’ll Never Believe What They Are Paying in Taxes!)

The house used in the American sitcom “The Brady Bunch” custom graphic
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After providing the winning bid to purchase and own the iconic The Brady Bunch house — one of the most recognizable homes in the country (second only to The White House!) — philanthropist Tina Trahan has been putting her money where her mouth is. The Illinois native, along with some of the actual Brady kids, have found a way to give back and benefit those in need.

On impulse, Trahan purchased the Brady house, near the Burbank Media District in southern California, one and a half years ago for $3.2 million. “It’s like a life-size doll house,” she explained during a rare appearance on the Today Show. “You walk into your childhood when you walk into that house!”