First Look: T.R. Knight Gets a Severe Makeover as J. Edgar Hoover in ‘Genius’

Genius- TR Knight
Dusan Martincek/National Georgraphic
Genius- TR Knight

T.R. Knight as J. Edgar Hoover in National Geographic’s Genius

To portray J. Edgar Hoover in National Geographic’s new series Genius, about the life of Hoover foe Albert Einstein, T.R. Knight had an abundance of materials to dig into, including documentaries and interviews he used to nail the former FBI director’s unique speech patterns. (Knight’s first episode will be on June 13.) He also had to undergo a major physical transformation, as Hoover ages 40 years over Knight’s three episodes. “I’m still completely in awe of the makeup artists,” Knight says. “From the initial life-cast to the final filming, these people kindly put up with me nerding out over every aspect of their process. They helped me create this portrayal, and I am extremely grateful.”

Genius, Series Premiere, Tuesday, April 25, 9/8c, National Geographic Channel