How Did Abby Become the Mole on ‘Scandal’?

Abby (Darby Stanchfield) is Scandal‘s mole! Are you still in shock? Because we are. Thankfully, Thursday’s episode will answer many of the questions viewers have about the former-Gladiator-turned-chief-of-staff-turned-mole.
“We get to see Abby before the election night,” Stanchfield told TV Insider on the red carpet at last weekend’s PaleyFest event. “But it also goes back before and we get to see the steps of Abby’s actions, decisions and point of view leading up to it and you find out a lot more about Abby.”
While the actress wouldn’t say exactly what we find out, she did admit to having a blast while filming this particular episode. “It’s never simple or easy [on Scandal] and that’s what’s so fun about being an actor on the show because in shooting it, it’s constantly challenging and that’s just the best kind of job there is.”
Asked if she was worried how fans would react once they found out Abby had a hand in killing Jennifer Fields (Chelsea Kurtz) and, subsequently, the shooting of Huck (Guillermo Diaz), Stanchfield said, “That’s the sign of a good show, when the fans are so in love with their main characters, and it’s also the sign of good writing. People have fallen in love with Huck and Quinn (Katie Lowes), Olivia (Kerry Washington) and Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) and so when I see that reaction on social media or in life it’s why we’re here at our hundredth episode celebration.”
Speaking of Huck, is he dead? We last saw him gasping for breath after taking three bullets from a gun unloaded by his latest love/bad gal, Meg (Phoebe Neidhardt), Diaz told us not to hold a wake quite yet for the fan-favorite character. “I can say that he didn’t get shot in the head, or the heart and he is a former, trained, killer spy so I think he’s got that inner strength to make it through this.”
Scandal, Thursdays, 9/8c, ABC