First Look: ‘Grimm’s Monroe and Rosalee Prep for Nick’s Hexenbaby (PHOTO)

The Grimm family is growing. After Adalind (Claire Coffee) tricked Nick (David Giuntoli) into impregnating her, the baby arrives in the NBC drama’s October 30 premiere.”That baby is the only thing that keeps Nick from lopping off his own head,” Giuntoli told us recently. “Having a son grounds him.”
Still, Giuntoli cautions that Nick is starting off the season “in an extremely dark place, the exact opposite of how we met him at the start of the series,” coming off the murders of his mother and girlfriend in May’s finale.
In the November 6 episode, Nick brings the baby home, but “home” is the scene of those deaths, so Rosalee and Monroe (Bree Turner and Silas Weir Mitchell, pictured) try to get the place ready. “But,” says executive producer David Greenwalt, “can cribs and toys mask the tragedies that occurred there?”
Grimm, Season premiere, Friday, Oct. 30, 9/8c, NBC
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