Lifetime’s ‘Web Cam Girls’ Isn’t the Same Old ‘Damsel-in-Distress’ Story, Says Star Arianne Zucker

Jon Briddell and Arianne Zucker in Lifetime's original movie 'Web Cam Girls'
Jon Briddell and Arianne Zucker in Lifetime's original movie 'Web Cam Girls'

Kids do the dumbest things, and the blowback can be disastrous. The Lifetime movie Web Cam Girls follows two high school–age cousins—Alex (Sedona Legge) and Carolyn (Lorynn York)—as they enter the sordid yet lucrative world of internet stripping. Before long, the girls are being preyed upon by a serial killer and it’s up to Alex’s airline pilot mom, Rachel (Arianne Zucker), and Carolyn’s loser-boozer dad, Scott (Jon Briddell), to save the day.

“More and more young people are getting into sex cam work before they have enough life experience to know better,” Zucker says. “They think, ‘This isn’t porn. I’m not engaging with anyone in a physical way. And it’s good money!’ There’s a false sense of safety.”

This is a cautionary tale, to be sure, but haven’t we had enough women-in-jeopardy flicks? “The gal who needs saving is a tale as old as time,” says Zucker, who was frequently featured in such counter-feminist sagas as Days of Our Lives (as the trouble-prone Nicole). “But with so many men being fired for sexual harassment, the TV and film business will shift. More women will rise to the top—and they won’t be telling the damsel-in-distress story!”

Web Cam Girls, Saturday, Dec. 30, 8/7c, Lifetime