Stuff We Love Right Now: ‘Eastsiders’, Wine & More

Show You’ve Never Heard Of: ‘Eastsiders’
Seasons 1–3 now streaming on Netflix
A few weeks ago, I clicked on a promo for this indie dramedy about a gay couple (played by creator Kit Williamson and Van Hansis) and their friends to see what our West Coast Bureau Chief Jim Halterman was raving about. Three days later, I emerged from a binge and I’m still buzzing. This gem—which began on YouTube, then moved to Logo TV—features complex Angelenos including troubled romantics played by Fresh Off the Boat’s Constance Wu and John Halbach. I didn’t like them all the time, but now I really miss them. —Damian Holbrook, Senior Writer
Technologic: Aftermaster Pro
Available at
TV manufacturers have made incredible strides to improve picture quality, but not so much with audio. When I plugged the Aftermaster Pro into my television for the first time, the sound was instantly richer, clearer and more consistent. I can now hear dialogue without needing to increase volume—even when there’s background music. And I don’t need to turn down the volume for annoyingly loud commercials either. —Dan Criscenti, Vice President, Digital
For Your Next Watch Party: ‘The Walking Dead’ Wine Collection
Available on
I like my wine with a little bite to it, so this vino from Lot18 was a no-brainer. Each of the AMC apocalypse drama’s leading men gets his own style: a balanced petite sirah with notes of bacon for Rick, a dry cab sav for Daryl and a vanilla-caramel-flavored bourbon barrel blend for the sweetest of the bunch, Negan. They’re all delicious, but next time I would like to find out what a Michonne- or Carol-inspired wine would taste like. —Emily Aslanian, Assistant Editor
Smokin’ Doc: Dr. Connor Rhodes
Chicago Med airs Tuesdays, 9/8c, NBC
Single and ready to mingle Dr. Connor Rhodes (played by Colin O’Donnell) is just what the doctor ordered. I mean, look at that smolder. What really gets my heart racing is that his swagger is finally back in the dating scene after Dr. Robin Charles (Mekia Cox) left him. Rhodes is always best when he’s not tied down in a relationship and gets to fill any prescription he wants. —Jennifer Halper, Photo Editor