‘Flip or Flop Vegas’: Bristol and Aubrey Marunde on Their Biggest Reno Hurdles

Real-estate experts Bristol and Aubrey Marunde have rolled the dice on another round of home renovations for Flip or Flop Vegas’s second season. The husband-and-wife team took a different kind of gamble when they agreed to an interrogation about their experience. We grilled them separately to see how their answers stacked up.
He Said—Bristol Marunde
What was the most significant hurdle you faced?
Neighbors! If they’re nice, then they want to see everything. On the flip side, we have some angry ones. It’s a challenge to manage the neighborhood.
What’s the biggest disagreement you’ve ever had over a renovation?
When we have a few days to finish, and Aubrey comes up with this fantastic design that she wants in the house.
What’s Aubrey’s biggest strength?
She does not take no for an answer. She knows how to get things done.
If you could flip a house with another pro, who would you choose?
Vanilla Ice [who has a DIY renovation show]! We could collaborate and make some magic.
She Said—Aubrey Marunde
What was the most significant hurdle you faced?
Time. There just never seems to be enough of it. Things move so fast in the Vegas market that you really need to be on top of your A game all the time.
What’s the biggest disagreement you’ve ever had over a renovation?
We hardly ever have disagreements. I guess the only thing that Bristol ever really gives me a funny look about is some of the colors that I come up with.
What’s Bristol’s biggest strength?
He’s a people person and he’s very hands-on with the project. He’s there every day.
If you could flip a house with another pro, who would you choose?
Vanilla Ice. Bristol loves him!
Flip or Flop Vegas, Season Premiere, Thursday, March 15, 9/8c, HGTV