WATCH: Netflix Releases Full-Length ‘Lost in Space’ Trailer

As one of Netflix‘s more highly anticipated series, Lost in Space has remained mysterious regarding details, but that changed on Tuesday when the streaming service released a new full length trailer, following the video announcement they put out last week.
Continuing to follow the Robinson family as it had in the original CBS show from the ’60s, Lost in Space is a remake that brings the core story and themes of the original into the 21st century in terms of technology. The special effects are top-notch as little Will Robinson (Max Jenkins) discovers life on another planet. “I’m the first human to discover evidence of an alien intelligence,” he narrates.
The family has left earth, but on their journey, they become stranded on a strange planet, and the youngest of the brood, Will, finds a robot-like life form who seems quite friendly—the boy and being play catch. This answers the questions fans have had of how the original series’ classic Robot character would be interpreted here. We even get to hear the Robot’s famous “Danger, Will Robinson!” warning in the trailer.
Yet it is the surroundings that appear to be evil as weather elements threaten to swallow the family and their ship whole. Oh, and Parker Posey is there as the manipulative Dr. Smith. She’s giving off some real Ripley vibes from Alien, trying to save the family from danger—or so it appears.
As confusing and intriguing as all the excitement appears to be, one thing is certain: The Robinsons are as close as a family can get. “There’s a rule, written in stone,” Judy Robinson (Taylor Russell) says. “The Robinsons stick together.”
For the full trailer, check out the video below.
Lost in Space, Premieres Friday, April 13, Netflix