‘Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail’ Shocker: Rick Ness Has Some Big News (VIDEO)

Following the epic eighth season of Gold Rush, during which Parker Schnabel mined over $7 million in gold, the young mining boss gets some shocking news from his foreman and friend Rick Ness in Friday’s special episode of Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail, which has been the year’s No. 1 new unscripted cable series for males ages 25-54.
As Parker, Rick, wilderness expert Karla Ann and cameraman Sam Brown prepare for another season of Parker’s Trail, with this year’s plans taking them to the jungles of Guyana, South America, Ness pulls Schnabel aside and delivers the blow.
Unable to deal with Parker’s erratic mood-swings, fans have long been speculating if a split was coming for the power duo. Rick told us earlier this year that he felt like he learned a lot in the last seven years, but he didn’t know anything about the business side to make a go at it on his own.
“There’s so much cost there and there’s so much risk there. I do well where I’m at, and you know, it would be a scary thing, quite honestly,” he told us. “Is it in the cards? I don’t know. Who knows?”
Check out an exclusive clip as Rick readies Parker for some big news.
And watch Friday’s episode to find out exactly what Rick has to tell Parker!
Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail, Discovery Channel, Fridays, 9/8c, Discovery Channel

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