Are You on Eddie & Katherine or Delilah’s Side on ‘A Million Little Things’? (POLL)

Spoiler Alert
[Warning: the below contains MAJOR spoilers for Season 2, Episode 8 of A Million Little Things, “goodnight.”]
The adults all know who Charlie’s father is, but the same isn’t true for the kids — or her birth certificate.
And that’s a real problem in Thursday’s episode of A Million Little Things, as Eddie (David Giuntoli) and Katherine (Grace Park) continue to fight with Delilah (Stephanie Szostak) about keeping his role in Charlie’s life a secret. Their stances don’t change; Delilah refuses to budge because of what it would mean for her life and her kids, while Eddie and Katherine are firm in their “honesty is the best policy” approach.
And because Delilah refuses to change her mind, hearing from Sophie that her mother plans to take all her kids — including Charlie — to France for the summer stops Eddie and Katherine in their steps. Earlier, Katherine worried that Delilah claiming her plans were canceled and Eddie didn’t need to watch Charlie was “a move to keep [him] away” from his daughter. He didn’t think Delilah would do that, but now he becomes concerned.
“She’s your daughter. You have every right to be upset,” Katherine assures him. The problem is Eddie doesn’t actually have a say since he’s not listed on the birth certificate. Delilah doesn’t see that as a problem and even argues that things she’s done — running Charlie’s name by him, including him in the birth announcement photo shoot — prove she wants him in her daughter’s life. “I’m doing everything I can,” she insists. (She’s not.)
Because he’s not on the birth certificate, there’s nothing he can do if Delilah does take Charlie to France and decides not to come back. “I make a living standing up for people,” Katherine tells him. “And right now, that’s you and Charlie. … We’re in this together.” She’s the one who asks Delilah to change the birth certificate; all it would take is a form to correct the “mistake.” Delilah refuses, forcing Katherine to remind her just how good of a lawyer she is — she is, after all, the reason Delilah has her house. “I’m asking you to be a good person,” Delilah actually says in response. (The fact that Katherine helped her all the times she has proves she’s a good person.)

(ABC/Jack Rowand)
But if Delilah thinks the couple is going to back down, she’s wrong. At the end of the episode, Eddie pulls up a Complaint to Establish Paternity form, suggesting things are about to get ugly.
But maybe finding out the truth about PJ’s (Chandler Riggs) paternity — and seeing what him learning that later in his life does to him — will make Delilah change her mind. In the final scene, Mitch shows up at Rome (Romany Malco) and Regina’s (Christina Moses) looking for his son, and Delilah learns that PJ is Barbara Morgan’s son. It’s too bad Regina never had the chance to tell Delilah about the paternity test results.
Whose side are you on? Vote in the poll below.
A Million Little Things, Thursdays, 9/8c, ABC