‘A Million Little Things’ Expands the Family With Marcia Gay Harden as Gary’s Mom

It’s quite the family affair in A Million Little Things Season 2.
Maggie’s (Allison Miller) mother, Patricia (Melora Hardin), has already returned. We learned about Eddie’s (David Giuntoli) sister in the winter premiere. And now we’re going to meet a family member we’ve only heard about until this point: Gary’s (James Roday) mother. Marcia Gay Harden has been cast as Alice, TVLine reports. Her first episode, the 12th of the season, will air on February 6.
Gary’s mom left when he was 7 years old “to follow her acting dreams, knowing that the silver screen and Hollywood were calling,” according to the description of the character.
Gary could certainly use some maternal advice, but considering his relationship (or rather, lack of one) with his mother right now, Alice may not be in the best position to provide any. Following his and Maggie’s breakup, Gary hasn’t been in the best place. In fact, taking out his anger on drivers who ignored Stop signs ended up backfiring on him in the winter premiere; one of them pulled a gun on him.

(ABC/Jack Rowand)
And as previews have shown, Gary is going to end up being arrested. Might that be what brings his mother back into the picture? We’ll have to wait and see.
Harden’s recent TV credits include The Morning Show, Code Black, How to Get Away With Murder, and The Newsroom.
A Million Little Things, Thursdays, 10/9c, ABC