First Look: ‘Marvel’s Luke Cage’ Comic-Con Poster

It takes one legend to create another. Famed comic book artist and Marvel Entertainment chief creative officer Joe Quesada designed the Comic-Con poster for Luke Cage, a new Marvel superhero series streaming on Netflix September 30. (Fans can pick up a copy of the poster at the Marvel booth at the San Diego event, July 20–24.) “There’s always great pressure with superhero posters,” Quesada says. “You’ve got one shot to encapsulate a character with a pose that’s provocative and that you hope will someday be iconic.”
It helps to have actor Mike Colter playing Cage, a burly Harlem crime buster with indestructible skin who was first seen in Netflix’s Jessica Jones making hot love with the title character. “Mike gives Luke a smoldering strength,” Quesada says. “He’s sexy and calming. And the ladies love it.”

Marvel’s Luke Cage