The Race Is on to Save Iris in ‘The Flash’ Sneak Peek (VIDEO)
Damn you, pandemic!
Since our world’s recent health crisis has caused multiple production shutdowns, many of our favorite shows have been forced to end their seasons ahead of schedule. Fittingly, that accelerated timeframe sort of works when it comes to tonight’s outing of The Flash, “Success is Assured,” which is now serving as the season’s penultimate episode.
With Team Flash now clued-in to the existence of the Mirrorverse, the clock is ticking on their plan to save Iris (Candice Patton), who has been stuck inside the alternate plane with Eva (Efrat Dor) since the gang came back from winter break.
Sadly, they have no plan. Nor, it seems, do they realize that some seriously bad stuff has gone down in Eva’s world involving Iris’s fellow captives Kamilla (Victoria Park) and Chief Singh (Patrick Sabongui). Worse yet, the pressure is threatening to divide the team, as we see in this exclusive sneak peek from the hour. Seriously, thank for Cecile (Danielle Nicolet).
Can Barry (Grant Gustin) and Ciscos (Carlos Valdes) get it together and get Iris home? Or will next’s week’s finale begin a loooooong wait until Season 7 that is sure to feel like the Speed Force has run out of juice?
The Flash, Tuesdays, 8/7c, The CW