Netflix Brings Back ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ Redesigned for the Streaming World

Unsolved Mysteries Netflix
Courtesy of Netflix

That unmistakably eerie theme music can only mean one thing: Unsolved Mysteries is back!

The series, which began as a few NBC specials examining cold cases and became a long-running phenomenon, has been reborn and reimagined, with six new hourlong installments debuting July 1.

“Fans have been pushing for more episodes for years,” says exec producer Terry Dunn Meurer, who cocreated the original. “And there are still so many mysteries that need to be solved.”

The new version of the show features the same mix of true crime and paranormal phenomena. But there have been some adjustments for the streaming age. Rather than shorter segments devoted to several mysteries, each episode will feature an in-depth examination of one case (first up: the odd 2006 death of Baltimore husband Rey Rivera).

Unsolved mysteries

(Credit: Netflix)

There also won’t be a host guiding viewers through each case, a decision made due to the 2003 death of Unsolved Mysteries’ most recognizable face. Says Meurer, “We feel it’s impossible to fill Robert Stack‘s shoes.”

Unsolved Mysteries, Premieres Wednesday, July 1, Netflix