‘Project Power’: ‘There Are No Superheroes’ in Netflix’s High-Caliber Thriller

A pill that gives you superhuman ability sounds like a good idea, but in the slick Netflix Original Project Power, the street drug Power comes with a terrifying side effect.
“You don’t get to choose your power, it only lasts for five minutes, and it might instantly kill you,” explains Henry Joost, who directed the sci-fier alongside Ariel Schulman (Nerve).
Shot in New Orleans, the feature stars Oscar winner Jamie Foxx as Art, a father searching for his missing daughter, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a Crescent City cop and Dominique Fishback (The Hate U Give) as a teen dealer.
Their lives collide in the search for Power’s main source, leading to a high-caliber thriller with top-notch effects, grounded by a trio worth rooting for.

“There are no superheroes in this,” Schulman says. “They don’t always make the right decisions. In fact, sometimes they make very bad ones.” Thankfully, those bad decisions make for a great story.
Project Power, Movie Premiere, Friday, August 14, Netflix