‘The Bachelorette’: Watch the First 2 Minutes of Clare’s Season Early (VIDEO)

Oooooh girl, The Bachelorette is gettin’ hers!
After several dips into The Bachelor franchise’s dating pool, Clare Crawley is finally getting her own shot at handing out the roses as the lead of Season 16 of The Bachelorette. But from the vibe of this piping-hot fresh season trailer from the first two minutes of the Tuesday, October 13 premiere, the woman who put Juan Pablo Galavis in his place is rockin’ the house once again.
After a cursory bit of celebratory “The Bachelorette is back!” nonsense, the clip — which originally aired during Monday’s Dancing with the Stars — gets increasingly heated as Clare goes all giggly over the arrival of Dale Moss — or as she predicts “her future husband” — followed by footage of one D-bag, age-shaming suitor screaming, “I expected way more from the oldest Bachelorette!” and a bunch of other dudes in tank-tops putting on their best concerned-slash-hurt-male model faces.
Then there is some business involving a mass walkout, talk of “getting a new Bachelorette” and finally, host Chris Harrison uttering his now-legendary, “You just blew up The Bachelorette” to a distraught but probably happy AF Crawley.

Obviously this feeds the long-running rumors that Crawley fell for Moss at first sight and decided to pull the plug on her season early. If we are to believe the edit of this extended promo (let’s be honest), she may have also decided to pull a Fantasy Suite situation early, as well, since he definitely see Clare and Dale in what seems to be a very post-coital cuddle.
So what’s your theory? Does the 39-year-old Crawley do what any woman of any legal age is free to do with anyone she chooses without being judged, and then get her ass out of the COVID-sequestered La Quinta this season was filmed in? Do the guys get totally butthurt that someone one-upped them and stole her heart? Let us know in the comments below!
The Bachelorette, Season 16 Premiere, Tuesday, October 13, 8/7c, ABC