USA Network’s ‘Miz & Mrs’ Is Back With WWE ‘It Couple’ Miz & Maryse

Mike 'The Miz' Mizanin and Maryse Mizanin
Nicole Weingart/USA Network
Nicole Weingart/USA Network

Given everything going on in our world, the return of Miz & Mrs starring WWE It Couple Mike “The Miz” Mizanin and wife Maryse — couldn’t have come at a better time.

“We put our heart, our soul and everything we possibly can into this show,” says The Miz of the second part of Season 2. “It has drama, but drama you laugh at and relate to. It’s real —real things that happen in our lives.” 

The family, as always, has a lot going on, including the move from Austin back to Los Angeles. Daughter No. 2 Madison Jade is in the mix now, firstborn Monroe Sky is hitting the terrible twos, and the many doggies still need to be spoiled. And let’s not forget George Mizanin (his dad) and Marjo Ouellet (her mom), who are always good for a laugh. 

“We are not afraid to make fun of ourselves,” Maryse added. “We can be the butt of the joke and be cool with it. We’ve been under this lens for so many years, and people don’t see us like that in WWE. When they see us on the show, they can’t believe we’re like clowns.” 

Here, The Miz and Maryse take a break from their jam-packed schedule to catch us up.  

Miz & Mrs

USA Network

How has it been being home more with the kids?

The Miz: When they’re growing up, you want to be around them. You want to see the different things you might miss when you are on the road. Now that we don’t have [WWE] live events and traveling all over, all day, every day, I get to watch my kids grow. It has actually given me positivity inside our home. It has also been good for my body. If this was the normal schedule for WWE, I could do this for 10 more years. 

Maryse: Season 2 has brought my family closer. When I was on the road with WWE, I would be gone for 80 percent of the year. We are so close now, I’ve been reaching a point where I’m like, “OK, we don’t have to be together as much right now.”

How has filming changed with a new daughter?

Maryse: You learn as you go with the first—you stop worrying about the small details with the second one, at least for me. 

[But] there is a whole new worry that comes with always making sure they are perfectly happy and entertained. The sleep goes down—you don’t sleep much. I can’t imagine parents who have four kids or more. I don’t know how my mom did it. You figure it out and keep going. It is a little challenging. This show is a lot of fun, though. I wouldn’t mind doing 20 seasons of it. 

Just not a child for every season, if it goes that long, right?

The Miz: One is one thing, but two is holy cow. It’s a whole new ballgame. You are not prepared for it. 

Maryse: When you have one, you think about how hard it is. When you have the second one, it is easier in a way. With Monroe, I can go take a nap or Mike can sleep, and I can have Monroe. Or vice versa, which is good. Though with two, it’s very different. You have to adapt. 

Your house has gotten very full, especially when you consider George and Marjo.

Maryse: They are there for our children’s entertainment. Those kids have mom, grandmas and a lot of people who love and care about them. We dedicate our lives to entertaining them. 

The Miz: You’ll see this on the show, but my dad is retired now. He comes in and says, “I retired.” We’re like, “Does that mean you’re going to be here more?” He is like, “Yep.” So we try to find my dad a hobby. His idea of a hobby was buying a food truck. Buying a food truck is not a hobby—it’s a job. What does he call it? He calls it Miz Steaks and Wieners. His hot item that he sells is Mike’s Little Wieners. Yes, he utilizes my name, my brand to exploit me and make fun of me all in the same aspect. That’s what I’m dealing with. 

On the Marjo front, what can we expect in future episodes?

Maryse: You can expect a Marjo. The biggest thing she put us through this season is just being her. She has a very strong presence and always has an opinion. She gets a new car this season. Somehow she always ends up getting what she wants, which is incredible. 

So maybe it’s like having a third child in the house.

Maryse: I have a 1-year-old, a 2-1/2, a 40-year-old in my husband. I have my mom, my dad. I think I need a vacation. 

The Miz: Oh, so you’re the only adult along with my mother? 

Maryse: Yes. 

Has there been any filming in recent months during the pandemic and quarantining?

The Miz: We didn’t go into the topic of the pandemic because people are going through it. They don’t want to relive it. They want to escape reality and step into something else that is entertaining and makes them laugh.  

Miz & Mrs

Nicole Weingart/USA Network

During the Female Quotient panel during Advertising Week, it was revealed you two were working on a new game show called Brawl in the Family. Where are you at on this project?

The Miz: We’re reaching out to a couple of networks right now. We have a couple of pitch meetings set up. Then it goes out to the highest bidder. 

What do you think makes the concept for this show stand out?

The Miz: It’s bigger and brighter. It reminds me of the shows that are on now and grew up loving, like Double Dare—those kinds of game shows that are family-oriented. I can’t give up too much, but I imagine in the next couple of months you’ll see a big newsfeed about the show being sold. 

The Miz and John Morrison


Maryse, do you have any intention of appearing in front of WWE audiences again?

Maryse: I can’t really say I will never be back in the ring because every single time I’ve said that, I was back. Last time I had Monroe, four months later I was at SummerSlam, and five months later I was main-eventing SmackDown with Brie Bella. If you [had] asked me [the question] when I was pregnant, I would have said absolutely not, not going to happen.

Let’s talk about Money in the Bank. Last time I was by the ring when my husband won Money in the Bank. I was involved in the match. There are so many moments and times I came back…. I look at him now with the Money in the Bank briefcase again. Will history repeat itself? Time will tell. WrestleMania is a few months away. Once I get excited about something, my mind keeps going. Then I start having ideas. 

Mike, we’re going into 10 years since you cashed in the Money in the Bank briefcase and contract to become world champion. How does it feel to be back in the title picture after so long?

The Miz: That’s the best part about WWE. You never know when it can happen, but you always have to be ready. There is no doubt in my mind that I’m prepared, [starting with] when myself and John Morrison started challenging Heavy Machinery’s Otis and Tucker a lot. If you told me I’d be carrying the Money in the Bank briefcase again three months down the line, I wouldn’t [have believed] you. Stories are going and things start happening. You find ways to be able to succeed. Now with the Money in the Bank contract, I am one step away—one chair shot to Randy Orton, one going-through-the-table for Roman Reigns, [then] cashing in to be either the WWE or Universal champion. There is nobody more deserving than me.

Miz & Mrs Season 2 returns November 12, 10:30/9:30c, USA Network

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