Meet the ‘Big Brother’ Season 22 ‘All-Stars’ Cast (PHOTOS)

The new houseguests have officially moved in.
It was a Big Brother first, as viewers had to wait until the live premiere to meet the 16 All-Stars competing in Season 22. Every one of them has something to prove.
The cast includes past winners Nicole Franzel and Ian Terry, fan favorites Da’Vonne Rogers and Kaysar Ridha, the best to have never won, including Janelle Pierzina and Dani Briones, memorable Houseguests Bayleigh Dayton and Enzo Palumbo, and great gamers, including Cody Calafiore and Kevin Campbell.
The series will air Sundays and Wednesdays at 8/7c, as well as Thursdays at 8/7c for the live eviction show with host Julie Chen Moonves.
Scroll down to see who’s returned to have their every move recorded 24 hours a day, all in an attempt to be the last remaining Houseguest and the winner of the $500,000 grand prize.
Big Brother: All Stars, Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 8/7c, CBS

Bayleigh Dayton (27)
Season(s) Previously Played: 20
Hometown: Kansas City, Mo.
Current City: Los Angeles
Occupation: Model
Bayleigh had a “showmance” with fellow Houseguest Swaggy C. They’re now married.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? The first time I played Big Brother, I was distracted by a showmance and a pregnancy. Now, I have no distractions and I’m ready to play.
What is your strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to align with a strong competitor, keep my mouth shut and play the social game! Be loveable, but non-threatening.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? I didn’t have a strategy last time I played. I just was going with the flow.

Christmas Abbott (38)
Season(s) Previously Played: 19
Hometown: Raleigh, N.C.
Current City: Raleigh, N.C.
Occupation: Fitness entrepreneur
Christmas broke her foot during the first week in the house. She had surgery and remained in the game, ultimately placing third.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I broke my foot last time and I want to show how strong of a player I am. I want to WIN THE $500K this time!
What is your strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to be myself! I will listen, watch carefully and know who to trust, and I will take that BIG SHOT when I get a chance!
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? I won’t have a broken foot and will be able to compete.

Cody Calafiore (29)
Season(s) Previously Played: 16
Hometown: Howell, N.J.
Current City: Howell, N.J.
Occupation: Soccer coach
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I want to play Big Brother again because of money, money, money, and monayyyyyyy.
What is your strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to be myself. I want to be friendly and honest so people feel comfortable opening up to me. I will find one person in the house that I will go through information and stories with, to cross check if people are lying. I don’t want to be too close to my closest ally, because I do not want people using our names in the same sentence. I want to win as many competitions as I can to keep myself and my closest allies safe.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? It doesn’t differ in the slightest. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

Dani Briones (33; will turn 34 on August 20)
Season(s) Previously Played: 8 and 13
Hometown: Orange County, Calif.
Current City: Orange County, Calif.
Occupation: Stay-at-home mom
Dani was the runner-up in season 8, and married her fellow Houseguest from season 13, Dominic Briones.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I want to bring back the old-school Big Brother game play… also want to finally get my W!
What is your strategy for winning the game? I plan to lay low for the first half and then turn the house upside down.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? Last time I played too hard, too fast… oops!

David Alexander (30)
Season(s) Previously Played: 21
Hometown: Atlanta
Current City: Los Angeles
Occupation: Senior sales rep
David played a good social game during his short time on the show, but didn’t have the whole BB experience because his game was cut short, due to a surprise opening night twist.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I think we can all learn something from failure. Last year was very tough to have a once in a lifetime opportunity go the way that it did. I’m looking forward to competing in an HoH, to actually voting and just playing this very interesting social game.
What is your strategy for winning the game? Utilize my multiple competition failure from last season to show myself as a non-threat. Observe the houseguests for alliances and manipulate others through a smooth social game.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? Very similar strategy as last year except I’m not volunteering for ANYTHING!

Da’Vonne Rogers (32)
Season(s) Previously Played: 17 and 18
Hometown: Inglewood, Calif.
Current City: Inglewood, Calif.
Occupation: Acting coach
Da’Vonne was the first Houseguest to figure out the twin twist in season 17.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I genuinely LOVE this game. It’s hard as hell and it will drive you crazy, but it’s so much fun to play. I’ve played Big Brother twice now, and I’ve lost Big Brother twice, but third time’s the charm, right? When I was evicted during season 18, I told Julie that I’d play this game again and again and again, and I meant that. With two seasons and no comp wins, my ego and my pride are annoyed as hell right now, how did I go in there TWO TIMES and didn’t win anything? I have some things that I need to prove to myself. I’m fully aware of what my biggest errors were during my first two seasons, so I know exactly what NOT to do this time around.
What is your strategy for winning the game? You know what, I don’t have a strategy this time. Both times I went into the house, I had these strategies that I thought were going to work and then as soon as Julie hit us with the “But First…” everything went out the window. So this time, I’m going to play as I go. One of my favorite things to do with my students is improv, and there is a game called “Yes, and,” which basically means “yes, I receive what you’re giving me and this is how I’m going to respond.” That’s exactly how I have to play this game, I have to literally live in the moment of what’s going on in the house… and keep my damn mouth shut!
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? The last two times I played this game, I went into the house and was on game mode level 9,000. Each time I failed, lol. So this time I plan to be more chill and relaxed. My antennas will still be up, but I don’t want to cloud my judgement this time by filling my mind with things I shouldn’t even be focused on. Play by play… step by step, and LIVE IN THE MOMENT.

Enzo Palumbo (42)
Season(s) Previously Played: 12
Hometown: Bayonne, N.J.
Current City: Bayonne, N.J.
Occupation: Insurance adjuster
Enzo was the founding member of “The Brigade,” one of the most famous and successful alliances in BB history that helped him get to the final 3.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I want to play to seal my legacy, not only as being part of one of the best alliances, but now one of the greatest to ever play! #facts.
What is your strategy for winning the game? I want an arch enemy this time to keep me sharp.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? It was too easy the first time I played, I thought I was being punk’d!

Ian Terry (29)
Season(s) Previously Played: 14
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa.
Current City: Houston
Occupation: Management consultant
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I’m a generally good games player, so if there’s a game being played for money where I have positive equity, I want in!
What is your strategy for winning the game? I want to get into a decent alliance and try to win the first HoH, just to make sure I don’t get frozen out for being unpopular. Following that, hibernate. Towards the end of the game, I will ramp up and utilize my competition ability and take advantage of the game’s structure.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? I’m definitely going to pepper in stronger tactical play to ensure that others are more willing to work with me. Last time, nobody in the house was giving me good information, simply because I was socially unpopular – frustrating!

Janelle Pierzina (40)
Season(s) Previously Played: 6, 7 and 14
Hometown: Grand Rapids, Minn.
Current City: Minneapolis, Minn.
Occupation: Real estate agent
Janelle finished third two seasons in a row and won the first America’s Favorite Houseguest in Season 6.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? It is the greatest and most challenging game that I have ever played. I have a lot I have to prove myself.
What is your strategy for winning the game? Win the first HoH, pick my allies week one, stay loyal to my alliance, start playing more cut throat once houseguests start going to jury and separate game level from personal.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? I have never played a cut throat game. This time around, I will.

Kaysar Ridha (39; will turn 40 on August 10)
Season(s) Previously Played: 6 and 7
Hometown: Irvine, Calif.
Current City: Irvine, Calif.
Occupation: Biotech executive
In season 6, Kaysar was the first Houseguest voted back into the game by the viewers. He was also a member of the first All-Star season of BIG BROTHER.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I’m obsessed with being better than I once was.
What is your strategy for winning the game? Create large scale disruptions in power to uncover and destabilize existing alliances and plots.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? My strategy hasn’t changed but I’d like to think that my life experiences will help me stay a bit longer in the house this time around. Leaving early is embarrassing.

Keesha Smith (42)
Season(s) Previously Played: 10
Hometown: Sterling, Ohio
Current City: Los Angeles
Occupation: Waitress
Keesha was voted America’s Favorite Houseguest for her season and ultimately placed fourth.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I want to play again because Big Brother is a great experience.
What is your strategy for winning the game? My strategy is to lay low.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? Last time I was on the show, I was caught up in a drama-fest.

Kevin “KC” Campbell (40; will turn 41 on Sept. 18)
Season(s) Previously Played: 11
Hometown: San Diego, Calif.
Current City: San Diego, Calif.
Occupation: Ad agency executive
Kevin was the first houseguest to be evicted on finale night, placing third.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I came SO close to winning but choked in the final competition and it still stings to this day. How DARE you Jordan! Am I bitter about it? Meh…maaaaybe, but am I better about it? YES! Getting eliminated on finale night, PLUS having legends come on the show saying I was the person to win but then didn’t, HURT. I want to prove to myself and America that I’m an underrated player who deserves to reclaim his lost crown.
What is your strategy for winning the game? I’m a very resilient person (my therapist said so!) and I plan on looking for any angle to get ahead. I think it’s weird to go into this game with a set strategy, instead I have several ‘tools’ in my sickening tool belt I plan on using: Friendship building; Backstabbery; Alliance making/breaking; Competition winnability and an intuition that makes me certifiably psychic. I’m also still a professional gossip and I have perfected the art of distraction. So, if there’s a previous winner, couple or anyone who is a more juicy target than me, I plan on pointing it out as an obvious target.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? Float, no! Fight, YES! As a SEASONED alumni, I’ve watched many seasons since my own in which I was able to do the “woulda-coulda-shoulda’s.” Because of that, I know what works for me and what won’t in this game. I plan on playing every competition like it’s my last, taking every opportunity to snatch my crown. Instead of focusing on keeping an alliance around me from self-imploding, I’m going to make sure I’m not letting a win slip through my hands as a result.

Memphis Garrett (37)
Season(s) Previously Played: 10
Hometown: Collierville, Tenn.
Current City: Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
Occupation: Restaurateur
Runner-up to BB legend Dan Gheesling, and part of one of the most famous duos in BIG BROTHER, “The Renegades.”
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? To win this time.
What is your strategy for winning the game? Cool and collective, silent but deadly. The idea this time around is to play the same social game but focus on jury management and always be in control of my game. Also, win the POV every time.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? I was playing checkers. This time I’m playing chess.

Nicole Anthony (25)
Season(s) Previously Played: 21
Hometown: Long Island, N.Y.
Current City: Long Island, N.Y.
Occupation: Podcast host
Nicole placed third and was voted America’s Favorite Houseguest for her season.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I want vindication! Last time, Michie got my confetti, and this time it is mine. I want it. I want to make it all the way to finale night again, especially since I like to see everything I do through to its completion; I want the title of Big Brother winner; I want the prize money to really change my sisters’ and my lives (i.e., move-out of my parents’ house, get a car, get my own studio equipment for Eric and my podcast and shows, and start my life as an independent individual).
What is your strategy for winning the game? My strategy for winning the game is to rely heavily on my social game and on being underestimated. I know that I am kind, loyal and empathetic, so I am going to utilize that to be a listening ear and “a number” for others. I am hoping to be “in good” with each pair, trio, group, etc. that I observe in the house so that they will all want to keep me around. Hopefully, as the game progresses, people will go after each other as the “bigger fish,” which will allow me to become higher on each person’s totem pole. Of course, I plan on winning competitions and making the moves that will most benefit my game and put me in a good position moving forward, but I know my strongest asset is how well I treat, and interact with, others.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? Last time I played, this was my strategy, but I too soon into the season opened my mouth about a large group alliance despite being in a decent spot with each pair within that alliance, which got me into some trouble. This time, I know to lay lower in the beginning so as not to draw too much attention to myself. Additionally, last time I played, I was not as comfortable entering competitions. Now that I do have competition wins under my belt, I feel comfortable going into the house, winning competitions early if I can and making the moves that will benefit my game the most. Also, last time, I was not always the most comfortable when it came to entering rooms wherein others were speaking and involving myself in their conversations. This time, I plan on doing that a lot more and not shying away from it.

Nicole Franzel (28)
Season(s) Previously Played: 16 and 18
Hometown: Ubly, Mich.
Current City: Ubly, Mich.
Occupation: Social media influencer
Nicole won season 18 and was the first female to beat a male in the final two.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? I love the game, I love everything about it. The fangirl in me could never turn it down. I’m also here to become the first EVER two-time winner, no big deal.
What is your strategy for winning the game? Be adaptable. Once I walk in and see who my competition is, I can come up with a game plan.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? I used to think you could have a pre-meditated strategy, but honestly that’s really hard to do without knowing the cast.

Tyler Crispen (25)
Season(s) Previously Played: 20
Hometown: Rossford, Ohio
Current City: Hilton Head Island, S.C.
Occupation: Entrepreneur/social media influencer
Runner-up and America’s Favorite Houseguest. Currently living with his girlfriend, Angela Rummans, who he met in the house.
Why do you want to play Big Brother again? To help Angela open her plant-based restaurant.
What is your strategy for winning the game? That is a great question.
How does this strategy differ from the last time you played? I can’t make everyone think I’m just a dumb surfer dude this time around. First off, I don’t surf but also because everyone most likely knows I did pretty well on season 20.
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