6 One Chicago Characters We’re Most Worried About in 2020
With One Chicago Wednesdays starting up again soon (all three shows return on November 11), we’re already worried about our favorite first responders.
The doctors and nurses of Med, firefighters and paramedics of Fire, and police of P.D. put their lives — not to mention their hearts, with some of the past and present romances — on the line each episode. With the 2019-2020 season ending early (due to the coronavirus pandemic) for all three, only one character was in serious trouble at the end of a finale. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have cause to worry about others given ongoing storylines and teases for what’s to come.
Below, we take a look at the One Chicago characters we’re worried about (and not just in the sense that they could die) heading into the new episodes.
One Chicago Wednesdays, November 11, 8/7c, NBC