Atlanta is held hostage by a seemingly unstoppable Ebola-like virus in The CW’s new thriller Containment. Adapted from the hit Belgian series Cordon, the show centers around Atlanta Midtown Hospital, where Patient Zero, a supposed Syrian refugee, is being treated. After those in contact with him get deathly ill, police try to isolate the outbreak by cordoning off a large section of town, trapping thousands inside a fortified fence. As time passes and more citizens get sick, society begins to collapse.
“Many people will die. There is this threat permeating every breath people take,” says executive producer Julie Plec (The Vampire Diaries, The Originals), a self-described lover of deadly virus stories. “But the show is also about the beautiful notion of trying to get across the world—and through the border of the quarantine—to get your loved ones back. There’s hope attached to it.” Meet the characters inside and outside the quarantine zone.