‘CSI: Vegas’ Season 3 Premiere: Josh Is Behind Bars! (PHOTOS)

If you thought seeing Josh Folsom (Matt Lauria) being handcuffed was rough, well, CSI: Vegas is about to make things even worse in the Season 3 premiere! (That orange is no one‘s color.)
Season 2 ended with Josh — joined by Trey (Daniel Di Tomasso) — doing his own investigation after his mother (Lolita Davidovich) was murdered. They originally thought that Kahn Schefter (Shane Callahan) just knew who killed her … only to discover he was the murderer! The team then found Kahn dead. When Max (Paula Newsome) and Serena (Ariana Guerra) found Josh, he told them, “I found the guy who did it,” before letting Serena cuff him.
“I definitely think absolutely, no question, [Josh] could have done it,” Lauria told TV Insider. “[The] measured part and [the] self-mastery part of Josh is the one who devised the blood gimmick [making Kahn think he was bleeding out], but then something breaks and something snaps. You’re suddenly looking in the face of your mother’s murderer.”
Now, in the Season 3 premiere, “The Reaper,” airing on February 18, CBS teases, “with their respected colleague Josh Folsom under arrest for the death of Kahn Schefter — the man responsible for killing Folsom’s mother — the CSI team combs through every crumb of forensic evidence to determine his innocence or guilt.”
Scroll down for a look at Josh behind bars — “I hope that I get to do some scenes behind some glass, you know what I mean? In jail, that would be a blast,” Lauria did tell us last spring — Serena visiting him, and the team’s investigation.
CSI: Vegas, Season 3 Premiere, Sunday, February 18, 10/9c, CBS