‘One Day’: 11 Times Emma & Dexter Broke Our Hearts

Leo Woodall and Ambika Mod as Dexter and Emma for 'One Day'
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[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for One Day, Episodes 1-14.]

One Day may have first arrived in the form of David Nicholls2009 novel and again in 2011 as a film starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess, but audiences are rediscovering the story with Netflix‘s newly released TV series in which Leo Woodall and Ambika Mod take on the roles of Dexter Mayhew and Emma Morley.

The show follows their story on the same day (July 15) over several years, starting with their first official introduction to the final day together. If the title of this gallery is any indication, the series is a heartbreaker as Emma and Dexter experience a rollercoaster of emotions and events throughout their friendship. While their will-they-won’t-they dynamic ends up falling into a solid romantic relationship, fate unfortunately steps in, making way for plenty of tears.

Below, we’re breaking down some of the show’s most heartbreaking moments, but beware of major spoilers ahead.

One Day, Streaming now, Netflix

Ambika Mod in 'One Day'

Dexter Fancies Everyone (Episode 4)

When Emma and Dexter take a trip to Greece, they set various rules for each other in an attempt to keep the lines of their friendship intact, but those hard edges begin to blur as the hours go on. In an effort to keep conversation flowing, Emma suggests they share secrets they don’t know about each other with her admitting she’d had a crush on him in the past. When they end up taking a spontaneous skinny dip excursion, Dexter takes the opportunity to tell Emma he fancies her. But the mention is quickly followed up with the fact that he fancies pretty much everyone. It’s a painful thing for Emma to hear and she ends up shoving his head under the water when he suggests they keep things casual and maybe explore the idea of friends with benefits.

Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Dexter's Phone Call (Episode 5)

At this point, Dexter has become wrapped up in his work and partying lifestyle to the point where he shows up late to his sick and dying mother’s birthday. Dexter’s behavior receives some reprimanding from his father, and his mother hints that she doesn’t like the path he’s heading down. These hard truths and how he disappointed his parents lead him to dial up Emma at the train station as he seeks comfort. But the longer the message machine isn’t replaced by Emma picking up, Dexter realizes she’s gone out on a date adding a sadder element to the already heartbreaking scene.

Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Emma Watches Dexter's TV Fail (Episode 6)

On the night Dexter is set to host a new TV show, he rings Emma repeatedly for moral support, wishing she could attend, but her students are putting on their own production. When Emma gets home, she tunes into the broadcast, seeing just how poorly the taping went for Dexter who was buzzed on booze. You can see her heart breaks for her friend who is metaphorically lost onstage, and begins to realize the depth of his troubles which have been building for some time.

Ambika Mod in 'One Day'

The Fight (Episode 7)

Meeting for dinner, Emma is unimpressed by the super fancy restaurant Dexter has brought her to, but she’s even less impressed with his behavior as he takes multiple bathroom breaks, flirts with the waitress, and is unable to converse about life, particularly problems she’s been dealing with. When he comments on how teaching is a job for people who can’t do what they originally wanted in life, Emma storms off, and they have it out on the street. Their fight is devastating as she ultimately tells Dexter that she never feels good when they hang out and that he hasn’t been sober in years. The discussion is like an ending, seeing them sad friends beginning to carve out their own separate paths in life.

Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Dexter's Wedding Confession (Episode 10)

When Dexter and Emma eventually reunite, it’s at friend Tilly’s (Amber Grappy) wedding. There, they chat about life and having missed one another. But Emma begins to see how much of Dexter’s life she’s missed when he tells her about his girlfriend Sylvie (Eleanor Tomlinson), who is actually his fiancee at this point. Showing Emma the wedding invitation, she notes the date, and he further reveals that he and Sylvie are expecting a baby. There’s bittersweet happiness to Emma’s reaction, but at a time that feels like it could be a new beginning for them, these life changes alter how they’ll move forward.

Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Dexter Learns Emma's in a Relationship (Episode 12)

Set after his divorce from Sylvie, Dexter visits Emma in Paris, where she’s working on writing her next book. Through their conversations, it seems that the pair have crossed the line of friendship, and he believes they’ll continue to explore that during his visit, but he’s utterly gutted when Emma informs him that she’s in a relationship. While she plans for Dexter to join her and her French beau for a night out, Dexter hangs back at her apartment and begins to break down with silent tears spilling from his eyes. The heartbreak doesn’t last too long though as Emma excuses herself from her date and returns to Dexter.

Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Emma and Dexter's Baby Blues (Episode 13)

Years later, the pair are married and after caring for Dexter’s daughter from time to time, Emma’s eager to have a baby herself, but after a year of trying without success, she’s frustrated. Dexter tries comforting her, but the scene is all the more heartbreaking for the events that come after it.

Ambika Mod in 'One Day'

Emma's Ending (Episode 13)

Planning to buy a new home, Dexter waits for Emma as rain falls outside the place they’re meant to check out. Listening to his voicemail, Emma left a message simply stating how much she loves him. As Dexter listens to this message, viewers watch Emma get struck by a car while riding her bike. As the life fades from her, Dexter’s smiling face while listening to the message is all the more devastating.

Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Dexter's Grief (Episode 14)

After Emma’s death, Dexter has a tough time coping and falls back into his bad habit of drinking too much. He ends up getting to the point where Sylvie has to clean him up and deliver him to his father’s house. There, viewers watch as Dexter breaks down sobbing as he remembers the first time Emma visited the house all those years ago.

Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Emma's Ghost (Episode 14)

Despite having a visit from friends on the anniversary of Emma’s death, Dexter is still hollow as he sits among her boxed-up belongings alone. While sitting against the wall, Emma’s ghost leans up against him, saying comforting words, promising it will get better with time. He’s not so convinced as the tears roll down his face.

Leo Woodall in 'One Day'

Dexter Remembers the Past (Episode 14)

Visiting Edinburgh with his daughter, Dexter recalls the first day he and Emma spent together in the city, ranging from their hike up Arthur’s Seat to their first real kiss. While he is less defeated, there is a sense of lingering sadness as Dexter is forced to move forward without Emma. Ultimately, the silver lining is the time he did spend with her, however short.