‘Roswell, New Mexico’ Cast Takes Us Behind the Scenes of Season 1 (PHOTOS)

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John Golden Brit /©2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.; Lewis Jacobs/©2018 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Michael Trevino and director Geoff Shotz behind the scenes of Roswell - 'Tearin' Up My Heart'
Lewis Jacobs/Warner Bros.

He may laugh between takes, but Michael Trevino (left, with director Geoff Shotz), who plays Dr. Kyle Valenti, takes his job very seriously. “He comes into work every single day at call time and leaves at wrap time — even if he’s not working — so he can shadow directors,” says executive producer Carina Adly MacKenzie.

Tyler Blackburn as Alex Manes in Roswell - 'Tearin' Up My Heart'
Cathy Kanavy/Warner Brothers

The drive-in argument between decorated gay veteran Alex Manes (Tyler Blackburn, left) and his overbearing military father, Jesse (Trevor St. John), “shows how deeply seated the fear and shame are in Alex,” says Blackburn.

Lily Cowles and Karan Oberoi behind the scenes of Roswell -
John Golden Britt/2018 Warner Brothers Entertainment Inc.

Filming the reveal that Isobel Evans-Bracken’s loving husband, Noah Bracken (Karan Oberoi), was really a fellow alien on a killing spree took an emotional toll on the actors, says Lily Cowles (with Oberoi and director Edward Ornelas). “So much grief was pouring out of me that day.”

Jeanine Mason and Nathan Dean Parsons behind the scenes of Roswell -- Ep. 103 --
John Golden Brit / Warner Bros.

Sparks literally flew when scientist Liz Ortecho (Jeanine Mason) tested alien Max Evans’ (Nathan Dean Parsons) electro-magnetic energy early in the season. But fans had to wait until the finale for the star-crossed lovers’ first — and only? — sex scene. “I hope Season 2 will be significantly steamier than Season 1, for all the couples involved,” MacKenzie teases.

Roswell, New Mexico - 'Songs About Texas' - Behind the scenes with Nathan Dean Parsons, Jeanine Mason, Michael Vlamis, Shiri Appleby and Heather Hemmens
Lewis Jacobs/The CW

Shiri Appleby (second from right), who portrayed Liz on the original 1999–2002 Roswell, directed an episode of the new series — and posed with stars (from left) Parsons, Mason, Michael Vlamis (Michael Guerin), and Heather Hemmens (Maria DeLuca). Says Mason: “It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to work with someone who has so much love for this character and this show.”

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In its first season, the out-of-this-world reimagining gave us sexy aliens, family drama, and heartbreaking twists.

Click through the photos in the gallery above for a behind-the-scenes look at Roswell, New Mexico, with insight from the executive producer and stars.

Roswell, New Mexico, Season 2, Midseason, The CW

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