After appearing on a 2005 episode of the MTV game show "Nick Cannon Presents Wild 'n Out," Shannon Kane made her television acting debut in one of the highest-rated shows in the United States and the world: "CSI: Miami." In an '06 installment entitled ''Darkroom,'' she played Leslie Anderson--or more specifically, her corpse, which kicked off that week's storyline. Kane had a few more small roles over the next few years, including playing a waitress in an episode of "Entourage" and a single-episode appearance in the soap opera "The Young and the Restless."
In '08, however, she landed her first ongoing television role on another soap, "All My Children," as Natalia Fowler. Her character's arc included becoming a police detective, discovering that she has a disease with potentially-harmful effects on her health, and finding true love before leaving the show in early 2011. Kane also played a small role in the '08 independent comedy-drama "Diary of a Tired Black Man." In '09, however, she landed her first role in a film featuring heavyweight movie stars, playing a hooker named Chantal who represents the only emotional connection of Eddie Dugan, Richard Gere's alcoholic cop in the crime drama "Brooklyn's Finest." This led to her being cast as Kimberly, a grown woman hiding a dark secret, in Tyler Perry's 2011 dysfunctional family epic, "Madea's Big Happy Family."