The voice of Wilson in computer-animated series "Chuggington" (Disney Channel, 2008-), Tony Terraciano became an on-screen child star when he landed the recurring role of Jack Reagan in hit police procedural "Blue Bloods" (CBS, 2010-).
Born in 2000, Terraciano began his career at the age of eight when he was chosen to voice the lead character of Wilson for the American broadcast of "Chuggington" (Disney Channel, 2008-), the British children's series about a group of novice railway locomotives in the titular fictional town.
Terraciano spent three years and 105 episodes voicing the lively red engine renowned for his short attention span in the original series, and also took on the same role in "Chuggington: Badge Quest" (Disney Channel, 2010-12), a shorter-length spin-off in which each of the different colored trainees attempt to earn a badge by completing a specific task.
Terraciano made his debut in front of the cameras when he was cast as renowned chef Lidia Bastianich's grandchild Ethan in "Nonna Tell Me A Story: Lidia's Christmas Kitchen" (2010), a heart-warming mix of live action, original music, and animation in which the celebrity chef recalled her experiences of the festive season while growing up in Italy.
Terraciano then achieved his big break when he was cast as Danny and Linda's eldest son, Jack Reagan, in "Blue Bloods" (CBS, 2010-).
Terraciano continued to balance his schoolwork with the recurring role for several years alongside younger brother Andrew, who also appeared in the popular crime series as his sibling Sean.