A Harvest Wedding
Cast & Crew
Jill Wagner Sarah Bloom
Victor Webster David Nichols
Merren McMahon Emma
Andrea Brooks Abby
Catherine Barroll Barbara
Jeremy Guilbaut Payton Ellis
Fred Henderson Bill Bloom
Marcus Rosner Tom Nichols
Rachelle Gillis Kim
Glynis Davies Betty Nichols
Chad Riley Collin Shaw
Gigi Jackman Miss MacDonald
Trevor Lerner Tobin White
Danny Mac Fleming
Steven R. Monroe Director
William Penick Writer
Kevin Leslie Producer
Alexandre Coscas Executive Producer
Jamie Goehring Executive Producer
Michael R. Goldstein Executive Producer
Shawn Williamson Executive Producer
Christopher Charles Kempinski Cinematography
Rafi Spivak Film Editing
Hal Beckett Original Music
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2017 Movie
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2017 Movie
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