A Journal for Jordan

A Journal for Jordan -







Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Upcoming TV Airings

The airings below are based on a generic national schedule. Times and dates can vary by TV provider.

Tuesday, December 24

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Wednesday, December 25

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Sunday, December 29

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Tuesday, December 31

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Tuesday, December 31

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Wednesday, January 1

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Wednesday, January 1

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Thursday, January 2

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Monday, January 6

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.

Monday, January 6

Deployed to Iraq, First Sgt. Charles Monroe King keeps a journal of love and advice for his son.