Anna (1987)
Cast & Crew
Sally Kirkland Anna
Robert Fields Daniel
Paulina Porizkova Krystyna
Ruth Maleczech Gloria
Stefan Schnabel Professor
Larry Pine Baskin
Steven Gilborn Tonda
Sofia Coppola Noodle
Yurek Bogayevicz Director
Agnieszka Holland Screenwriter
Yurek Bogayevicz Producer
Gábor Dettre Producer
Zanne Devine Producer
Deirdre Gainor Executive Producer
Julianne Gilliam Executive Producer
Bobby Bukowski Cinematography
Julie Sloane Film Editing
Greg Hawkes Original Music
Lester Cohen Production Design
Daniel Talpers Art Director
John Tatlock Set Decoration
Hali Breindel Costume Design
Caroline Thomas Casting
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1987 Movie
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1987 Movie
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